Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award: William Emery
William Emery received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2011.
“Dr. William Emery is the quintessential `lifelong learner.’" LMC Professor Emeritus K. Sundaram recalls the contributions Dr. Emery made in his classes. "He has
been in every one of my courses, some more than once, and always made the class sessions more lively by drawing other students into the conversation,” Sundaram
stated. “More than the class sessions, I enjoyed our conversations outside of the classroom where he was always trying to `open new doors,’ as he called it, by
applying the philosophical principles we have studied to other aspects of his life, whether volunteering with the county health board or his church study group.”
In addition to his participation in classroom life at the College, Dr. Emery also served on the LMC Foundation Board from 1993 to 2005.
Throughout his lifetime, Dr. Emery has made outstanding contributions to the health of the community through his leadership. His philanthropic work has focused on prevention and public health. According to Dr. Emery, the key to good health is knowledge and prevention.