Learn online
Bring the classroom to you! Lake Michigan College offers hundreds of courses in a convenient, online format. You'll get all the attention and all the education with none of the driving to campus!
What is Distance Education?
Distance Education is any course in which at least 75% of the course is delivered online. Below are the five types of course delivery methods:
Lake Michigan College has been approved by the state of Michigan to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. For more information, please visit NC-SARA Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures.
Class Schedule: Choose the schedule for the semester you want. Classes marked "WEB" are available online
Advising Services: For help with advising
Success Tips for Online Learning: Take our advice. These tips make online learning easy.
Information Technology Support Center; From email to Canvas, help for all LMC technology is here.
Academic Complaint Process: Did we let you down? If you have a complaint regarding your instructor or grades, let us know so we can make it right. You may submit a Complaint Form and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible.
- Complaint Resolution for distance education and out-of-state students
Lake Michigan College strives to resolve all student complaints in a fair and expedient manner. LMC distance education students wishing to file a formal complaint must first seek resolution through LMC’s institutional appeals and grievance procedures. LMC participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) through the state of Michigan. If a student's complaint cannot be resolved internally at LMC, the student may also file a complaint with the state of Michigan – Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department. LMC is also accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
- Complaint Resolution for distance education and out-of-state students
For questions about Distance Education, call the Teaching & Learning Center at (269) 926-4296.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires institutions offering distance education courses or programs to have processes in place to ensure that the student registering for a course is the same student who participates in the course or receives course credit.
Ready to get started?
Connect with us! Request more information or apply today, and we'll send you everything you need to begin your journey at LMC.