LMC hosts Little Red Hawks Volleyball camp
Registration is now open for Lake Michigan College’s first-ever Little Red Hawks Volleyball Program.
The five-day camp for students in Grades 3-6 is 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays, March 26, April 9, 16, 23 and 30 in the Gymnasium in the Main Building on LMC’s Benton Harbor campus.
LMC Women’s Volleyball Coach Robert Elliott-Schafnitz, his staff, and several current LMC players will teach young athletes the fundamentals of volleyball and how to use those skills in drills and games.
“The team and I are super excited about working with the youth of this area,” Elliott-Schafnitz said. “We look forward to teaching the fundamentals of the game in a fun, fast-paced and positive environment.”
Elliott-Schafnitz, in his second year at LMC, ran a similar, highly successful camp during his nine-year stint as volleyball coach at St. Joseph High School.
The Little Red Hawks camp will teach young players the underhand pass, overhand pass, serve and attack. A new skill will be taught every week and drills will combine multiple skills to keep things fun and exciting.
By the end of the camp, athletes will be able to use these skills in game situations, which will help them when they try out for their middle school programs.
Cost is $60. No previous experience is necessary, but space is limited.
Click here to register or for more information.
For questions, email Elliott-Schafnitz.

Red Hawks