LMC offers wealth of summer camps, workshops
Lake Michigan College offers several summer camps, workshops, and programs for children and adults beginning as early as May 9 on its Benton Harbor Campus, 2755 E. Napier Ave.
Participants can explore the hands-on learning of LMC's Fab Lab, strengthen their language skills through ESL courses, prepare for college with Upward Bound or tap into their creative side with LMC's Visual & Performing Arts Department.
Costs vary depending on each program. For more information or to register for specific camps, visit the camps webpage.
Fab Lab
LMC's Fab Lab is where students can build science, technology, engineering, and math skills through hands-on learning while having fun. Participating in Fab Lab activities allows students to explore and experiment with digital fabrication technology, including 3D printers, laser cutters, and vinyl cutters. Camps are designed for participants to learn problem-solving techniques in an environment where trying, re-thinking the process and trying again are encouraged.
Fab Lab Boot Camp
June 13-16 or Aug. 8-11, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 8 and older; Cost: $149
Participants will enjoy four days in the Fab Lab exploring different projects. Participants will learn how to use mini-lathes, 3D printers, lasers, vinyl, and sewing machines.
Create Your Own Video Game in RPG Maker
June 20-23, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 10 and older; Cost: $139
Custom build a video game by creating menus, an overworld map, and custom characters. Participants will learn how to make those characters speak and fight, create a following party, add assets, music, sounds, and more in this fun, interactive experience.
Fab Lab for Your Health
June 27-30, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; ages 10-14; Cost: $139
Explore the Fab Lab with this health science / medical-themed camp. Participants will complete a variety of projects while learning various machines. Topics covered include sutures, CPR, skull and facial muscles, organs, the human heart, and others.
Build a Virtual Pinball Machine
June 27-30, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 8 and older; Cost: $450
Participants can build their pinball machine, starting with a sheet of plywood that they will cut, sand, and paint. Each will include digital displays, a pinball plunger, and necessary hardware. Finished projects are at 75 percent scale (height is 57 inches, length is 36 inches, and width is 21 1/2 inches). This family workshop is designed for at least two people and no more than four (at least one person must be 18 or older).
Ukulele Building Workshop
July 5-7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; age 8 and older; Cost: $119
Each participant will start with a ukulele kit, which includes parts of the ukulele and strings, that they will decorate and string. They also will learn how to play their new instrument.
Build Your Own 3D Printer
July 6-7 or July 18-19, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 12 and older; Cost: $350
Participants begin with a 3D Printer kit. Throughout the workshop, they will learn what components contribute to the overall operation of the printer to repair and replace parts as needed. A roll of filament and basic training in Thingiverse, fushion360, and Solidworks (3D modeling) are included.
Video Game Graphic Design in RPG Maker
July 11-14, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; age 10 and older; Cost: $139
Using a combination of Illustrator, Art, and pre-made art, participants will learn about game design composition, color pallets, and character designs to create personal experiences and import them into games.
Arcade Building
July 11-14, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 8 and older; Cost: $450
Fans of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Frogger, and Galaga, will learn how to create their tabletop arcade machine. This workshop is perfect for the do-it-yourselfer or the family that would like to do a project together. The ticket is per arcade machine, not a participant. Each ticket can have up to three family members join.
Cosplayers Unite!
July 25-28, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; ages 8-14; Cost: $129
Embark on a new adventure through the lives of Cosplayers. Participants will learn how to sew Cosplay costumes, 3D print props, and laser-cut various items. New to Cosplay? This camp is for you. Already a Cosplayer but want to learn different ways to create things? Then this camp is for you too!
Build Your Own Domestic Diorama/Dollhouse
Aug. 1-4, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 8 and older; Cost: $139
Learn how to build an open-faced dollhouse/domestic diorama in this week-long camp. Participants will use laser cutters to model the house and then put together the house and a large corner room where they can arrange 3D furniture, wallpaper, and paint. Mini lathes can be used to make pegged people as well.
Video Game Programming in RPG Maker
Aug 15-18, 1:30-4:30 p.m.; age 10 and older; Cost: $139
Welcome to the world of programming! Participants will learn Java Script to make a custom game, use scripts to make advance events, properly utilize plug-ins, and translate programming into a language they can operate across various platforms.
LMC offers Community Education English as a Second Language (ESL) classes that provide American English language and culture instruction. These integrated skills and focused skills classes help students develop communication skills to prepare them to enter college or employment. Enrolled students must be at least 18 years old.
Summer Intensive I
May 9-June 2, times vary.; age 18 and older; Cost: $100
Students can improve their English during LMC's Beginner and Intermediate Intensive classes. These non-credit classes are designed for adults whose first language is not English who are looking to develop their language skills for work, life, and social integration.
Summer Intensive II
July 11-Aug. 4, times vary.; age 18 and older; Cost: $100
Do you want to communicate better at work, study at a U.S. college or create meaningful relationships with English-speaking persons? Register for LMC's Community English-as-a-Second Language classes.
Upward Bound
Benton Harbor middle or high school students may be eligible for Upward Bound. With Upward Bound, students receive support for getting into college, one-on-one academic counseling, and more. They will visit colleges and places of historical and cultural interest with other ambitious students and spend six weeks in the Upward Bound Summer Academic Institute preparing for the next school year.
Upward Bound Summer Academic Institute
July 13-July 21, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; grade 8-12; Cost: Free
Students with career aspirations that require a college degree who are interested in preparing for college in high school can receive guidance and support through Upward Bound. Participants will receive one-on-one academic support, supplemental instruction, college visits, and social/cultural exploration opportunities. Students in grade 8 or attending Benton Harbor High School are invited to participate in the Upward Bound Summer Academic Institute. New UB scholars begin in our summer program, however, scholars continue to receive services from the program through high school graduation. The UB Summer Academic Institute offers course instruction in Math, Literature, Composition, Science and Foreign Language, and an opportunity to get a college experience by living in the residence hall for one week. The summer component of the Upward Bound program culminates with an awards ceremony and a one-week college tour to a destination in the U.S.
Visual & Performing Arts
One of only two colleges in Michigan to carry the prestigious All-Steinway designation, LMC has a stellar team of highly qualified professors that bring real-world expertise to the classroom, preparing students for a wide range of career paths. The same faculty and staff host several summer opportunities for middle and high school students to learn what LMC offers.
Recording Arts & Music Production Camp
June 20-23, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
Explore music technology and production in LMC's state-of-the-art in-house recording studio. Aspiring audio engineers, technicians, editors, songwriters, and performers of contemporary music can take an immersive dive into recording arts. Campers will learn how to create and edit multi-track recordings using professional sequencing software and how to navigate their way around a recording studio. This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
Brass & Woodwind Instrument Camp
June 27-30, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
Students who play a brass or woodwind instrument can keep their "chops" in shape and get a leg up for the next S&E Festival or college audition with this camp.
Participants will work with instructors on technique, theory, and repertoire that will make your school band or orchestra director take notice. This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
Ukulele Building Workshop
July 5-7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; age 8 and older; Cost: $119
Each participant will start with a ukulele kit, which includes parts of the ukulele and strings, that they will decorate and string. They also will learn how to play their new instrument.
Percussion & String Instrument Camp
July 5-8, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
Students who play percussion or string instruments (both traditional orchestral strings and rock/pop strings) can keep their "chops" in shape and get a leg up for the next S&E Festival or college audition with this camp.
Participants will work with instructors on technique, theory, and repertoire that will make your school band or orchestra director take notice.
String players will have the option to include the ukulele camp in their schedule if they desire. This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
TeenStock Musical Theatre Production
Performances, July 14-17, auditions May 7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and May 9, 6-9 p.m.; grade 7 to age 20; Cost: $125, scholarships available
TeenStock, a collaboration between Children’s Music Workshop and Lake Michigan College Visual & Performing Arts, presents a fully staged and costumed musical that brings the lights and sounds of Broadway to southwest Michigan. This year’s production is “The Addams Family” and features students singing, acting, and dancing alongside a live orchestra in a show that promises to enthrall audiences. Auditions are required for placement.
Musical Theatre Intensive
July 18-22, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 13-20; Cost: $200, scholarships available
This week-long triple threat intensive helps students develop their skills and show off their singing, acting, and dancing talents. Students interested in this program will complete a pre-assessment of their skill levels to aid casting. This program is a partnership between Children's Music Workshop and LMC Visual & Performing Arts. It will culminate with a final public performance showcase at 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 22, in the Hanson Theatre.
Piano, Organ & Harp Instrument Camp
July 25-28, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
Students who play piano, organ, or harp can keep their "chops" in shape and get a leg up for the next S&E Festival or college audition with this camp.
Participants will work with instructors on technique, theory, and repertoire that will make your teacher take notice.
This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
Songwriting & Music Composition Camp
July 25-28, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
This camp is designed for budding songwriters or composers who want to take their skills to the next level. Students will work with instructors on music theory, form, lyric creation, and more.
This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
Participants can include the Make Your Own Musical Instrument camp in their schedule if they desire.
Theatre & Dance Camp
Aug. 1-4, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
Actors and dancers can advance their skill level during this summer camp. Students will work with instructors on techniques, methodologies, and repertoire that will make their teachers take notice at their next audition. This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
Vocal Arts Camp
Aug. 8-11, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
Vocal students who are soloists or choir singers can make advances during the summer and get a leg up for the next S&E Festival, musical theatre, or college audition with this camp.
Students will work with instructors on technique, theory, and repertoire that will make their school choir director or private teacher take notice.
This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.
Visual Arts Camp
Aug. 8-11, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; ages 12-18; Cost: $160
This camp is designed for budding visual artists or designers who want to take their skills to the next level. Students will work with instructors on the elements and principles of design in various mediums (drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, etc.) and more. This program will culminate in a public showcase for an invited audience.