Infectious Disease and Social Distancing Measures for Employees
Office of Origin: Human Resources
Responsibility: Executive Director, Human Resources
Original Date Adopted: 04/01/20
Dates Reviewed: 04/01/20, 04/06/20, 04/14/20, 05/18/20, 06/30/20, 07/25/20, 12/7/20, 08/31/21
Last Date Approved: 09/08/21
During the COVID-19 outbreak, and in the event of any infectious disease outbreak, Lake Michigan College (LMC or the College) will implement these and other practices recommended by the appropriate authorities to minimize the spread of the disease at all LMC campuses. Refer to the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan for the comprehensive workplace guidance in place at LMC.
- Individuals may not come to campus (or report to work if an employee) if symptoms identified by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) are present. Employees should remain at home to avoid exposure to others, and should notify the supervisor and Human Resources at (269) 927-8704 as soon as possible. Students, visitors, or contractors/vendors, should notify LMC using the COVID-19 Self Report.
- If an individual starts to become ill while on campus, they should leave campus to go home or seek medical treatment. Ill individuals may be asked to leave the College. Employees should contact their supervisor and Human Resources to inform them of the illness as soon as reasonably possible. If unable to drive, isolate in a designated area until transportation arrives. The designated areas by campus are:
- Benton Harbor campus: Fitness Studio changing rooms in Main Building D-Wing
- South Haven campus: Room 126
- Niles campus: Room 114A
- If a person is ill with symptoms, as described above, or has tested positive for COVID-19, the person should not come to any LMC campus. If a person has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or if someone in the person’s household is experiencing symptoms, the person should remain at home.
- Employees must remain away from the workplace until they are cleared to return by Human Resources.
- Students must be cleared by Advising before returning to campus.
- Fully vaccinated individuals may return to the workplace sooner once their vaccination status and situation is reviewed with Human Resources or Advising.
- Employees should refer to the Guidance for Illness or Exposure for more details.
- Respectfully avoid being near people who are sick or appear to be sick.
- As indicated by community transmission levels and recommended by the local health departments, the College may institute mask mandates. Guidelines for face-coverings/masks may be found on the website.
- Virtual meetings for employees are encouraged, but If a face-to-face work meeting is held, spaces that allow greater social distancing are encouraged. Employees may wear a mask, but it is optional. Food may be provided if social distancing is provided.
- Everyone on campus is encouraged to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet between yourself and other people, both indoors and outdoors.
- If possible, do not use a workspace, computer, phone, etc. that belongs to someone else. If you must use equipment that is handled or shared by others, disinfect the item before and after use with sanitizing wipes or gel. The College will provides sanitizing supplies for this purpose.
- Individuals should wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If unable to do so, alcohol sanitizer wipes or hand sanitizer should be used, following the directions on the container.
- All person-to-person contact should be avoided, such as shaking hands.
- Do not share water bottles, dishes, utensils, etc. with others.
- When sneezing or coughing, use elbow crook or tissue, then dispose of the tissue and sanitize your hands.
- Individuals should not touch their face, nose, and mouth, especially with unwashed hands. Avoid touching your face at all if possible.
- Everyone on campus should follow all additional safety and infection control measures as requested.
References: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Berrien County Health Department
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health (MIOSHA)
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
Guidance for Illness or Exposure document