Financing your educational goals
If you think you will need financial aid to pay for college, be sure to apply for financial aid after you apply to LMC. Read about the different types of financial aid and learn about how to finance your educational goals.
Grants and waivers are available from federal and state sources. Most grants are need-based and will require students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine whether they are eligible. Students must meet financial need requirements as well as some general eligibility criteria (unless it is noted otherwise under the specific grant program).

Available Grants
The level of funding and amount of grants and waivers can vary from year to year. In most cases, the amount of the grant is split between fall and spring semesters. Students must reapply for grants and meet the eligibility criteria each year. Learn about available grants.

Do grants need to be repaid?
Unlike student loans, grants do not need to be repaid.

Students who are interested in grants must have a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or a high school diploma. Learn about other criteria.
A student loan is financial aid that must be repaid by the student, with interest. Loans are a legal obligation and a serious responsibility. There are serious consequences when students default on loans. It is important to think carefully about how much money is really needed to pay for your educational expenses so that you can borrow only what you need.
Before considering a student loan you should first exhaust all other financial aid types, such as grants, scholarships, and work-study programs. In order to determine financial aid eligibility, students must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you need assistance or have questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (269) 927-8112.

Loan Sources
The federal and state government are the biggest sources of student loans. Other loans are also available. Learn more about various loan sources.

Types of Loans
Learn about direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans, parent PLUS loans, and private/alternative loans.

What happens when I get a student loan?
Read about your rights and responsibilities when you borrow money.
The Work Study Program is a federally and institutionally funded financial aid program that provides employment opportunities for students to work on campus, as well as various non-profit organizations in the community. These programs offer students a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience and marketable skills while providing LMC with vital student support.

FAFSA Application
Here's what you'll need to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid:
- Your most recent year's tax return (or your parent(s) if you're listed as a dependent;
- Bring your W-2 if no tax return was filed;
- Driver's license number;
- Social security number or Alien Registration Number.

Student Employment Application
Find employment applications for new and returning work-study students.

Forms & Documents
Find these documents here:
- Work-study employment agreement
- Work-study handbook
- Work-study performance evaluation
Flexible Payment Options
Flex Pay is a low-cost way to spread your tuition and fee payments out over time.
- Payments are automatically deducted from your checking account or your MasterCard, Discover Card or American Express.
- Flex Pay is not a loan program so you won’t have interest or finance charges, and there is no credit check.
- There is a $25-per-semester, non-refundable enrollment fee.
- A small convenience fee is charged for credit card payments.
- Payments are processed on the 5th of each month and continue until the balance is paid in full.
- There is a $30 fee if a payment is returned for insufficient funds.
- You must sign up each semester that you want to use the program.

Enrollment Dates
Learn about enrollment dates for Flex Pay.

How to Enroll in Flex Pay
If you wish to use Flex Pay, you must sign up each semester at the time of registration through e-Cashier. Learn how to sign up for Flex Pay.

Types of Flex Pay
There are two types of Flex Pay:
1. Flex pay for students who do not have financial aid
2. Flex pay - pending aid for Chapter 33 veterans
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