LMC Alert: All LMC campuses will operate remotely on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Please check Canvas and your college email for remote work and learn instructions.
Academic Progress
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs & Student Affairs
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs; Vice President of Student Affairs
Original Date Adopted: 2-5-19
Dates Reviewed: 9-18-18, 8-9-21, 2-1-23
Last Date Board Approved: 2-05-19, 6-20-23
Lake Michigan College (LMC or the College) is committed to supporting students in meeting their educational goals. Academic progress is reviewed at the end of each term to ensure the student is meeting grade point average (GPA) and credit
completion requirements, appropriately progressing toward program completion, and benefiting from continued enrollment.
Students not making acceptable academic progress are subject to the intervention processes outlined below, which were designed to help students evaluate their individual situations and return to good academic standing.
Students receiving certain forms of financial aid, participating in intercollegiate athletics, and/or enrolled in programs with specific academic criteria will be required to meet the standards of academic progress for those programs, in addition to the requirements outlined in this policy.
Academic status for each term in which the student enrolls is posted to the transcript of record for the student.
Good Academic Standing
Students making satisfactory academic progress and maintaining a cumulative College GPA of 2.00 or higher after the completion of at least 12 credit hours are considered in Good Academic Standing with the College.
Academic Notice
Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 are placed on academic notice and are restricted to no more than 12 credit hours at the next registration.
Academic Alert
Students who have been placed on academic notice and whose term GPA falls below 2.00 during the notice period are placed on academic alert and are restricted to no more than 10 credit hours at the next term of registration. Students on
academic alert should meet with their advisor to identify and implement appropriate interventions.
Academic Recovery
Students who have been placed on academic alert and whose term GPA falls below2.00 during the academic alert period are placed on academic recovery and have two success options:
- The student may register for classes if they meet with their academic advisor to identify and implement success practices and agree to work with a success mentor. Registration is restricted to no more than seven credit hours during academic recovery.
- The student may decide to take the semester off. The student should meet with their advisor to complete an exit interview and develop a plan to help the student remain engaged with the College during the semester off and to help the student with re-entry when the student is ready.
Academic Suspension
Students who register for classes during their academic recovery semester are subject to suspension for the next semester if their academic recovery semester GPA falls below 2.0.
Continued failure to make satisfactory academic progress may put the student at risk of dismissal from the College.
*Exceptions to the credit hour limit may be made for students who have external requirements for enrollment minimums, such as students with an F1 visa, VA students, Middle College program students, or athletes. Any other exceptions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Registrar and Director of Advising.
References: Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy