Acceptable Use of Technology (Policy)
Office of Origin: Information Technologies
Responsibility: Executive Director, IT
Original Date Adopted: 02-20-96
Dates Reviewed: 01-15-12, 06-28-18, 10-27-20, 4-13-22(C)
Last Date Board Approved: 10-27-20
All Lake Michigan College ("LMC") employees, contractors, students, and guests (“users”) who have any form of access to technology resources that reside at any LMC facility or that attach to any LMC network or a cloud system that hosts LMC data (collectively, “technology”) are subject to this policy. Technology includes, but is not limited to, computer systems, email, internet, wireless/wired networks, network access, hardware, and software.
Use of LMC technology is a privilege, not a right, and must fall within the acceptable use in this policy. LMC has the right to monitor use of its technology, including internet use, sites visited, programs used, and electronic communications made. Monitoring may be conducted without notice. There should be no expectation of privacy when using LMC technology, including LMC email.
Users are responsible for all activities conducted with their LMC ID as well as any other individual credential.
Nothing in this policy precludes separate conditions of use from being implemented for individual technologies. Such conditions would be deemed to supplement, rather than replace, this policy.
In general, acceptable use is defined as use that is:
- legal
- ethical
- respects intellectual property rights
- maintains an individual’s right to privacy
- free from intimidation and harassment
- reflects academic honesty, and
- shows restraint in consumption of network resources.
The following are specifically prohibited using LMC technology:
- Use of security access privileges for anything other than fulfilling job duties
- Violating federal, state, and local laws/statutes
- Engaging in libelous or slanderous activities
- Violating privacy by sharing personal, confidential, or private information without an individual’s permission
- Transmitting personal identifying information (e.g., social security or credit card numbers)
- Altering, dismantling, or disfiguring messages to hide or disguise originator of the message
- Use of a false identity, including representing someone else or completing work using the identity of another individual in an unauthorized manner
- Using another person’s ID or log-in information
- Seeking to gain unauthorized access to technology or data
- Sharing ID or account numbers, passwords (Passwords policy), or other protected information
- Political campaigning
- Advertising not related to LMC
- Conducting personal business during paid working hours, other than during paid work breaks
- Installing or using programs (software, freeware, shareware, games, etc.) unless approved by IT, including demo/evaluation
- Installing LMC software on personal devices unless licensing agreement permits such use
- Violating copyright laws, such as copying software if not the registered owner or illegally sharing or using copyrighted software or digital content.
- Engaging in activities or using any equipment that may damage or disrupt technology or may transmit LMC network communication (e.g., creating or spreading viruses, malware, or ransomware; misuse of resources; overloading a network with excessive data requests)
- Sending or making accessible actively aggressive, attacking, or harassing material
- Sending unsolicited or mass messages (i.e., spam)
- Using technology to obtain, view or disseminate pornography
- Transmitting or making accessible any content that discriminates against any protected classification (see Non-Discrimination policy)
All employees and contractors acting on behalf of LMC must use an LMC email account for conducting LMC business. All LMC email communications should be conducted solely using LMC email and not personal email accounts. In addition, LMC email is to be used for LMC business, and should not generally be used for personal matters.
Users should exercise extreme caution in using email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters, and should not expect that email is confidential. Confidential or sensitive information must not be shared outside of the LMC via email, without authorization, at any time.
All email correspondence conducted using LMC technology is part of the LMC email system and property of LMC. In instances of alleged violation of LMC policies or procedures email messages may be retrieved and reviewed by administration.
Upon leaving employment, IT will disable the employee's email account.
Private Directory
Each email account will have a private directory (P: drive) associated with it for storing documents, which is backed up nightly. Upon leaving employment, IT will disable the employee's P: drive.
Violation of Policy
LMC may revoke user access any time this policy appears to have been violated until the investigative process is completed and resolution reached. Violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary procedures, up to and including suspension, discharge, dismissal, termination, expulsion, and/or legal action.