Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
Office of Origin: Facilities Management
Responsibility: Executive Director, Facilities Management; Executive Director, Human Resources; Coordinator, Student Outreach and Support Services
Original Date Adopted: 10-06-89
Dates Reviewed: 08-14-08, 12-11-17, 04-06-18, 10-17-22, 11-10-22,5-5-23
Last Date Board Approved: 08-14-08, 07-18-18, 5-16-23
Lake Michigan College (LMC) is committed to ensuring that disabled persons (as defined by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) are neither excluded from nor denied access to participation in academics, employment, programs, services, or activities offered by LMC. LMC is also committed to providing equitable access to digital information and communications technology for all (as governed by the Digital Accessibility Policy.)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as Amended (ADAAA) and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 along with the Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act require that LMC provide accommodations to disabled persons unless doing so would create an undue hardship, compromise the health and safety of members of the campus community, or fundamentally alter the nature of LMC’s services, programs, or activities.
References: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); LMC Non-Discrimination Policy; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, Digital Accessibility Policy (formerly Web Accessibility Policy)