Active Military Duty - Students (Policy)
Office of Origin: Records and Registration
Responsibility: Registrar; VA Specialist
Date Adopted: 12-10-90
Date Reviewed: 05-21-19, 03-08-22
Last Date Modified & Approved: 05-21-19, 04-26-22
Military members (active duty, National Guard, and reservists) enrolled at Lake Michigan College who are unable to complete classes because of a change in military duties or status must submit orders that reflect the change in duty or status so the College can determine the following:
- If it is appropriate to finish coursework early, withdraw, or take an Incomplete,
- If a refund should be issued, or
- If credit to re-take classes should be granted and
- Whether any on-campus housing fees can be refunded.
Re-enrollment: per the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) (Sec.484C), the College is required to readmit a student who withdrew or did not attend after admission in order to perform military service as described in orders.
This policy may be expanded to include law enforcement, Homeland Security, fire and emergency personnel in the event of orders from their employer to assist in military related situations. A copy of orders must be submitted to the VA Specialist.
Active Military Duty – Students Procedure
Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008
Housing Agreement