Admission (Policy)
Office of Origin: Admissions
Responsibility: Vice President, Student Affairs
Original Date Adopted: 06-24-1997
Dates Reviewed: 4-24-2018, 10-30-2018, 12-10-2019, 8-23-23
Last Date Approved: 11-07-2017, 02-25-2020, 3-5-24
General Admission
Lake Michigan College (the College) offers an open admissions policy for individuals who are interested in and capable of benefiting from higher education.
Admission to Lake Michigan College is open to all high school graduates, those who have satisfactorily completed the General Education Development (GED) test, individuals 18 years or older, or students in an approved Early Middle College program.
Students not attending in the semester applied for will be required to submit a new application for a subsequent semester. Students may request deferment of their application to the following semester by communicating with the Admissions Office.
Students who stop attending will be required to reapply for admission if they return during a new academic year.
The College reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse admission and/or continued enrollment if the College determines that the applicant/student is a threat or a potential danger to the College community or if such refusal is considered in the best interest of the College.
Specific Program Requirements
Several programs at the College require students to complete program-specific requirements and/or an additional program application. (Completion of pre-requisites doesn’t guarantee acceptance into the program.)