Advertising on College Property (policy)
Office of Origin: Marketing and Communication
Responsibility: Executive Director, Marketing
Date Adopted: 11-25-08
Date Reviewed: 08-05-20, 06-18-24
Last Date Modified & Approved: 08-05-20, 06-18-24
Advertising by persons or organizations not contractually affiliated with Lake Michigan College (the College) is prohibited on College property unless authorized by the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications and/or the director of the specific facility. Examples of those contractually affiliated with the College would include Barnes & Noble, Kidzone, acts performing at the Mendel Center, etc.
All materials to be posted or distributed on College property must be approved by the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications and/or director of the specific facility.
Distribution of non-College advertising on vehicles is prohibited.
References: Advertising, Marketing, & Sponsorships