Academic Forgiveness (Policy)
Office of Origin: Records & Registration Department
Responsibility: Registrar
Date Adopted: 04-26-88
Date Reviewed: 11-19-08, 03-08-22
Last Date Board Approved: 04-01-11, 09-18-18, 12-04-18, 04-20-22
Academic Forgiveness is the removal from grade point average (GPA) consideration, for the purposes of graduation or second-admit program entry, all academic classes and grades during the semester(s) for which forgiveness is granted.
If granted, Academic Forgiveness applies only to Lake Michigan College; there is no guarantee that any other institution will recognize it.
Academic Forgiveness does not remove courses or grades from the student’s transcript, nor does it have any effect on a student’s financial aid, athletic or housing eligibility, VA or F1 visa status, or any other consideration than those specifically listed above.
Students may apply for Academic Forgiveness after one calendar year has passed between the request and the semester the courses being considered for forgiveness were taken. The following rules apply:
- Amnesty of a Semester may be requested for one of the following:
- The first two (2) consecutive semesters of enrollment at Lake Michigan College (LMC or the College), as long as the total number of credit hours is 18 or less.
- Any single semester of enrollment at Lake Michigan College totaling not more than 18 credit hours.
- Academic Forgiveness will not be granted for a partial semester(s).
- If granted, Academic Forgiveness applies to all credits taken in the semester(s), regardless of the grade received.
- Academic Forgiveness does NOT remove any course/grade from the transcript. Any semester(s) for which forgiveness is granted will be noted with the following statement for LMC internal use only: “Academic Forgiveness granted for <term> <year> semester.”
- The GPA is NOT recalculated on the transcript. Any GPA recalculations are made manually for the requesting program or for graduation.
- A student may be granted Academic Forgiveness only once.
- Academic Forgiveness is permanent and cannot be revoked or rescinded by the College or the student.
- This policy does not supersede the Course Repeat Policy.
References: Course Repeat Policy
Former Policy Title: Amnesty of Semester