Articulation Agreements (Policy)
Office of Origin: Records and Registration Department
Responsibility: Registrar, Provost, Academic Deans
Original Date Adopted: 10-09-20
Dates Reviewed: 10-09-20, 2-10-21, 10-924
Last Date Board Approved: 2-23-21, 12-10-24
An articulation agreement is a formal, signed agreement between two accredited institutions that specifies the courses, credits, and program requirements needed to transfer seamlessly from one institution into a related program at another institution. These agreements aim to ensure clarity regarding transfer eligibility and promote student success in pursuing advanced degrees.
At Lake Michigan College, articulation agreements are collaboratively developed by members of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, including input from Deans, Department Chairs, faculty, and student affairs staff, in partnership with the counterpart institution. These
collaborations ensure that both academic alignment and student support services are integrated into the agreements to facilitate a smooth transfer process for students.
Agreements are maintained, reviewed, and published by the Registrar’s Office in consultation with the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA). The agreements will be regularly reviewed every three to five years by the Articulation and Transfer Committee to ensure
continued alignment with both institutions' curricula and compliance with accreditation standards.
Additionally, any modifications to curricula or institutional policies that may impact the agreement will prompt a review and necessary revisions. The agreements will be available to students and faculty, with the goal of enhancing transfer opportunities and supporting student academic progression.
References: Articulation Agreements Procedure