Attendance - Class
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs & Student Affairs
Responsibility: Vice President & Provost, Academic Affairs and Vice President, Student Affairs
Date Adopted:
Dates Reviewed: 4-24-18, 11-9-21
Last Date Board Approved: 01-27-09, 05-15-18, 06-26-18, 3-29-22
Lake Michigan College (LMC or the College) is not an attendance taking institution. It is, however, consistent with the College philosophy that regular class attendance is necessary if the student is to receive maximum benefit from the course. Students are expected to be fully prepared and to attend every class period for which they have registered. Students should give instructors as much notice as possible of unavoidable absences. An explanation of absences may be required by the instructor, who will decide whether missed work may be made up. Attendance is restricted to only registered students or those with instructor permission.
Mindful of the diverse student body that LMC serves, and the varied belief systems that its students represent, the College will make a reasonable effort to accommodate students who need to be excused from classes for the observance of religious holidays. This policy does not apply to students who knowingly register for classes scheduled to meet on days that consistently conflict with their day of worship, e.g., a student who signs up for Saturday classes when the student normally worships on Saturday.
In accordance with Title IX, LMC does not discriminate against or exclude any student from its education programs or activities, including any class or extracurricular activity, on the basis of a student's pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom, unless the student requests voluntarily to participate in a reasonable alternative, as determined by the College
Lake Michigan College will meet state and federal regulations regarding attendance and comply with legal requests of governmental and private agencies for information on student attendance. A student’s attendance in a class is determined using the Department of Education’s definition of academic engagement, which is: “Active participation by a student in an instructional activity related to the student’s course of student that (1) is defined by the institution in accordance with any applicable requirements of its State or accrediting agency; (2) includes but is not limited to (i) Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students; (ii) Submitting and academic assignment; (iii) Taking an assessment or an exam; (iv) Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction; (v) Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution; or (vi) Interacting with an instructor about academic matters; and (3) Does not include, for example – (i) Living in institutional housing; (ii) Participating in the institution’s meal plan; (iii) Logging into an online class or tutorial without any further participation; or (iv) Participating in academic counseling or advisement. ” Attendance may also be required in academically related activities outside of regular class periods.
Discontinuing attendance in a class does not constitute dropping or withdrawing from a course. Failure to officially drop or withdraw from a course that the student is not attending will result in receiving the grade earned according to grading criteria outlined in the course syllabus. A drop or withdrawal is not official until the student successfully completes and verifies the drop or withdrawal action online via the student account or by completing the appropriate drop or withdrawal form and delivering it to the Records & Registration Office via email, mail, or in person. No student should assume that an instructor or staff member has dropped or withdrawn them from a course.
References: Registration Policy, Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy