Class Scheduling (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Original Date Adopted: 5-23-2017
Dates Reviewed: 4-24-2017, 9-15-21, 5-2-23, 4-16-24
Last Date Modified & Approved: 5-23-2017, 4-16-24
Provide students with accessible and efficient course options, ensuring that they can pursue their educational goals effectively while supporting faculty and staff in delivering high-quality instruction.
- Standard start times apply to Monday through Friday classes meeting at Benton Harbor, Niles, or South Haven campuses. Weekend classes and those taught at Allegan Technology Center and other off-site locations are exempt from standard start times and block schedule standards. Instructional minutes cannot be reduced regardless of location or length of term.
- The Academic Dean must approve any deviation from the standard start times.
- Classes 90 minutes or less do not require a break.
- Classes over 90 minutes require a 10-minute break.
- Classes 180 minutes or more require a 15-minute break.
- Synchronous classes with low contact hours generally meet on one day, and larger contact hour classes generally meet on two separate days, exceptions may be made for modality, course content needs, or other special circumstances.
- Synchronous classes over five contact hours must meet more than one day per week.
- Classes meeting synchronously more than two days per week must be approved by the Academic Dean.
- Remote and hyflex classes will follow the Benton Harbor Campus standard start/end times.
- Hybrid courses will align either their start or end time with the standard start/end time for the campus which the synchronous element will be taught.
- Co-op and internship scheduling will be determined collaboratively, considering the preferences and availability of the employer, student, and faculty.
Schedule Exceptions
Courses that meet during non-standard times including those held off-site, clinical internships, Open Entry – Defined Exit or are concluded in 5 or 7 weeks are exempt from block scheduling. Otherwise, all courses will start and end at the standard times designated under the block scheduling format, unless an exception is granted by the appropriate Academic Dean.
Conditions that may warrant an exception include:
High contact hour courses for which meeting in one continuous period would be an impediment to student learning (e.g., a single-day, six-contact-hour class meeting once a week may not provide an optimal learning environment).
Courses that are co-requisites or that are linked, and students benefit from continuous sessions to avoid a 20-minute gap between sessions (e.g., MATH 122 and MATH 022A; MATH 123 and MATH 023A; ENGL 101 and ENGL 099A).
Low contact hour courses that meet two days per week to align with corequisite courses (e.g., MUSI165).
Applied music lessons and performance-based evening classes that are attached to a production.
Scheduling times for academic terms (14-week, 7-week, etc.) and campuses are maintained in the course scheduling software (Coursedog) and the Class Scheduling Procedure. These times are reviewed by the Academic Leadership Council every three years unless there is a need for additional changes.
Formerly Titled: Block Scheduling Policy