Clery Act Compliance (Policy)
Office of Origin: Accreditation, Strategic Projects, and Quality
Responsibility: Dean of Accreditation, Strategic Projects, and Quality
Date Adopted: 05-25-10
Date Reviewed: 08-05-20, 8-20-24
Last Date Modified & Approved: 08-05-20
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal statute codified at 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), with implementing regulations in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at 34 C.F.R. 668.46. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to comply with various requirements related to safety on campus. Lake Michigan College (LMC and/or the College) is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment, consistent with its obligations under the Clery Act.
In accordance with the Clery Act, the College strives to provide students, faculty, and staff with access to accurate and timely information about reported Clery crimes that have occurred within the College’s Clery geography and access to college-wide safety and security policies and procedures. The College is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals involved in the reporting, investigation, and resolution of incidents of crime.
Requirements of the Clery Act
- Publish, submit, and annually notify current/prospective students and employees of the last three years of crime statistics in an Annual Security Report (ASR) and Fire Safety Report (AFSR) by the U.S. Department of Education’s established deadline.
- Request, collect, and classify campus crime data amongst multiple departments, Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), and local/state law enforcement agencies to be included as Clery crime statistics in the ASR and ASFR.
- Maintain a daily crime log for all crime, as well as a fire log for oncampus housing facilities.
- Provide and make available paper copies upon request of the College’s ASR, AFSR, and daily crime and fire log.
- Identify, notify, train, and survey (for crime reporting) CSA’s on an ongoing basis.
- Issue campus safety alerts, timely warnings and emergency notifications.
- Annual review and maintenance of LMC’s Clery geography; including on-campus, public, and non-campus properties as identified by the Clery Act.
- Document and process all student overnight travel to be included in Clery geography.
- Provide crime prevention and safety awareness programming for students and employees.
- Monitor compliance with the Clery Act and update the requirements as necessary when federal legislation has been amended including the College’s policies and procedures (i.e. Missing Student Notification; Drug, Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program; Title IX; etc.).
Reportable Clery Act Crimes
The College contracts with Berrien County Sherriff’s Department to provide a deputy as LMC’s Campus Officer. This partnership creates a basis for a relationship with state and local law enforcement agencies. The College’s Campus Officer investigates criminal incidents occurring on campus and is responsible for enforcing federal, state, and local laws (including arrests), as well as applicable College policies. This position also supports other local and state law enforcement agencies. The Campus Officer’s jurisdiction is to exercise police authority to LMC’s campus as well as to Berrien County. The College also contracts unarmed security personnel to regularly patrol the
parking lots and buildings providing students and employees safety/security related support. LMC contracts security guard services at the Benton Harbor Campus year-round 24 hours per day with additional contract support for special events and during academic evening classes at all on-campus locations.
Victims, witnesses, students, employees, CSAs and/or community members are able to report crimes in a voluntary, confidential manner. The College encourages prompt reporting of all crimes into the College’s Maxient system. The College’s professional counselors are not required to report crimes that have been shared during counseling sessions.
In accordance with Federal law, institutions of higher education are required to issue a statement and provide a link to the campus community where to locate information on registered sex offenders. The Michigan State Police are responsible for maintaining this registry. The registry link ( is also posted on the College’s website:
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
(20 U.S.C. 1092(f))
Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (42 U.S.C. 16921)
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization Act of 2013 (42 U.S.C. 13701)
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Procedure
Building Access Procedure
Campus Safety Alerts Policy
Campus Security Authority (CSA) Procedure
Clery Geography Procedure
Daily Crime and Fire Log Procedure
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Policy (DAAPP)
Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy
Field Trips Policy
Housing Handbook
Missing Student Notification Policy
Missing Student Notification Procedure
Student Handbook
Title IX Policy