Distance Education (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Services
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Date Adopted: 11-26-13
Date Reviewed: 11-08-16, 9-15-21(C), 4-16-24
Last Date Modified & Approved: 3-28-17, 4-16-24
All courses delivered via distance delivery methods must comply with the standards for course design, faculty training, course delivery, and course review set forth in the College’s Distance Education Procedure. Distance education courses must be equivalent in content and student learning outcomes to face-to-face sections of the same courses and provide regular and substantive interaction between students
and instructors. Faculty teaching distance education courses must possess the same qualifications as those required for face-to-face sections of the same courses and must complete the College’s distance education training or equivalent. All courses delivered under the auspices of this policy will regularly undergo an appropriately rigorous review process, defined in the College’s Distance Education Procedure, to ensure that all standards for course design, faculty training, course delivery, and course review have been met. In addition, all distance education courses must comply with the federal definition of a credit hour, as documented in the Credit Hour Definition and Program Length policies.
References: Distance Education Procedure, Credit Hour Definition, Program Length Policy, Glossary of HCL Terminology