Emergency Preparedness and Response (Policy)
Office of Origin: Facilities Management
Responsibility: Executive Director, Facilities Management
Original Date Adopted: 4-28-09
Dates Reviewed: 6-25-18, 7-13-18, 1-31-24
Last Date Board Approved: 4-16-24
Lake Michigan College (the College) is committed to providing a safe environment. Pursuant to its obligations under Federal, State and local laws/regulations, the College has established Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans and Procedures that provide protective measures for the health and safety of students, residents, employees, and guests during an emergency.
The College, through its partnerships with Emergency Management professionals, will continue to maintain the currency of the policies, plans, and procedures and will publish in a manner that reaches students, residents, employees, and guests.
In the event of an emergency that impacts instruction, each Program/Discipline Chair/Director will develop a plan for impacted areas of study. These plans will include all modalities of instruction, including in a comparable space with necessary equipment. Final plans require approval of the Provost & Vice President of Academics. Students will be made aware of changes to classroom formatting verbally and in writing, with updates as needed. In the event of the emergency requiring a change to a course modality, the College will notify students impacted to assure continuity of educational services.
Plan and procedure effectiveness will be monitored through routine practice drills.
References: Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans and Procedures