English as a Second or Additional Language (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Arts & Sciences
Original Date Adopted: 1-27-98
Dates Reviewed: 10-31-17, 6-11-24, 1-29-25 (C)
Last Date Board Approved: 10-21-20
All prospective non-immigrant international students seeking a degree or certificate program at Lake Michigan College must demonstrate English for Academic Purposes (EAP) proficiency as part of the admissions and F1 visa application process1. Additionally, prospective residential students whose first or dominant language is not English must demonstrate EAP proficiency as part of enrollment. From here on, both international and residential students whose first or dominant language is not English will be referred to as English Language Learners (ELLs).
Determining English for Academic Purposes Language Proficiency
LMC is aware that the college readiness assessment instruments designed for students whose first language is English do not adequately assess the language skills of students whose first language is not English. Therefore, the college requires ELLs to demonstrate language proficiency by taking one of the following international standardized EAP language exams (or other standardized assessment approved by the director of ESL Program Specialist) at an approved testing site prior to or during their application to LMC. In some cases, ELLs may be exempt from taking these standardized tests (see Exemptions from standardized EAP language proficiency testing section within this document).
Published by Educational Testing Service
- TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language)
- TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program for English as a Foreign Language)
Published by Cambridge Assessment English
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
Published by Cambridge Michigan Language Assessments
PTE Academic (The Pearson Test of English Academic)
Score reports of these tests must be sent from the test provider itself. The student applicant is responsible for contacting the test provider to send a score report to the College directly. Digital or photocopied copies of score reports sent by the applicant will not be accepted.
Minimum Cut Scores for Standardized Language Proficiency Tests
Given the academic rigor and expectations of first-year classes at the College, degree-seeking ELLs will need to demonstrate a minimum language proficiency level of B2 on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) scale2 in order to study at the College without formal language support (e.g., EAP courses and/or co-requisites). All three academic language proficiency tests listed above are either linked or aligned to the CEFR, and the minimum cut scores suggested by the College reflect a minimum B2 level overall proficiency (as researched and published by Educational Testing Service3).
Exemptions from standardized EAP language proficiency testing
If an ELL has (a) attended a US high school for four years and graduated from a US high school, or (b) satisfactorily completed one full academic year at a college or university in the US as a full-time student without taking any ESL classes, or (c) earned an accredited bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in the US, or is (d) from a country where English is one of the official languages (e.g., Canada, Australia, Malta, Malawi, etc.), they might be exempt from taking a standardized test to demonstrate EAP language proficiency prior to or while applying to the College.
Non-degree-seeking ELLs
Depending on language needs and educational goals, ELLs not looking to enroll in a degree program may not need to demonstrate EAP language proficiency to enroll for a course. Non-immigrant and residential ELL applicants looking to take English language-only courses offered by the College, such as the EAP academic bridge courses, will need to take English language proficiency assessments as specified by the Dean of Arts & Sciences, to determine enrollment eligibility and class level placement within the language-only courses. Extended Education (Community) ESL courses do not require an English language proficiency assessment but is recommended for accurate placement and diagnostic purposes.
Non-immigrant or residential ELLs who want to audit an academic course for no credit will need to complete an English language proficiency assessment and demonstrate the ability to meet pre-requisites specific to the course. See the Registration policy for more information.
Sub-score minimum cut scores for full matriculation to a degree or certificate program and/or placement purposes within EAP courses offered
It is rare that a language learner demonstrates a consistent CEFR level of proficiency for all the subskills (e.g., speaking, listening, writing, and reading) tested within these exams. It is common for learners to have a jagged profile, meaning that the learner demonstrates a higher level of proficiency in receptive skills (listening and reading) in comparison to productive skills (speaking and writing). For this reason, an applicant’s subskill scores on these standardized tests will be considered by the College when evaluating a student’s score report (see the Guide to Testing, Placement and Mobility for Transitional Studies and Mathematics Courses document).
If an applicant required to take standardized EAP language proficiency testing earns the minimum overall cut score but does not meet a minimum cut score for one of the subskills within the test, then multiple measures may be implemented to make an admissions decision. These multiple measures could include, but are not limited to, having an oral interview with the Dean of Arts & Sciences, submitting SAT verbal scores (if taken by the applicant), obtaining another writing sample from the applicant, or some other additional language production measure deemed appropriate by the ESL Faculty in consultation with the Dean of Arts & Sciences.
- Department of Homeland Security Study in the States: Form I-20 English Proficiency Guidance
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) global descriptors from Council of Europe
- Educational Testing Service: Compare TOEFL® Scores
Registration Policy