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Faculty Sabbatical Leave (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Date Adopted: 01-19-00
Date Reviewed: 05-16-18, 3-15-21, 6-16-2021 (C)
Last Date Approved: 06-26-18
Sabbatical leaves are limited to purposes that clearly promise reciprocal advantage to the College and to the applicant.
- The initial request for a sabbatical leave is made by the first Monday in December by 4 p.m. through the Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs for the next academic year. Exceptions to this deadline will be considered by the appropriate Academic Dean and Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs on a case-by-case basis. At a minimum, the request will include the following:
- The purpose of the sabbatical, including specific activities to be accomplished, with timelines for completion.
- The method of evaluating progress.
- The value of the leave to the applicant.
- The value of the leave to the College.
- The expected dollar value of grants, fellowships, and other remuneration related to sabbatical activities.
- Documentation provided by Human Resources of seven years of continuous service in a full-time faculty capacity (including approved leaves of absence) at Lake Michigan College.
- Documentation provided by Human Resources of the passage of seven years since last sabbatical leave.
- Remuneration to faculty members granted sabbatical leave shall be at the rate of full salary for one semester or half salary for one year.
- If the faculty member does not return to their position with the College for a period of at least double in length of the leave granted, they may be asked to reimburse the College.
- If the faculty granted sabbatical leave does not accomplish the stated objectives of the leave, they may be asked to reimburse the College.
- Sabbatical Leave Committee
- A Sabbatical Leave Committee will be appointed by the President and will be composed of all Academic Deans and one faculty member from each academic division (Arts & Sciences, Career and Workforce, and Health Sciences). The chair of the committee will be a faculty member and will serve a one-year term.
Role of the Committee
The committee reviews all applications for sabbatical leave and submits its recommendation, including a financial impact statement, for review by the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and the President.
- In making its recommendations, the committee will consider:
- The extent to which the applicant’s plans for the use of time while on leave are educationally valuable to the College.
- The extent to which a leave could have an immediate impact on the quality of instruction or service at the College through the faculty member’s increased knowledge and/or competence.
- The extent of the applicant’s professional study, contribution, and successful service at the College during the preceding seven years.
- The President will consider the recommendation of the committee and the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, and report their decision to the Board of Trustees.
- Written notice of the decision of the President will be given to the concerned member within fifteen (15) days after official action of the President, but no later than the day after the April Board meeting.
- Within sixty (60) days of the expiration of the leave, the individual will provide a written report, along with any additional documentation requested, to the President and the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs for the purpose of evaluating the success of the leave. The individual may be asked to appear before the Board of Trustees to present a summary.
- A Sabbatical Leave Committee will be appointed by the President and will be composed of all Academic Deans and one faculty member from each academic division (Arts & Sciences, Career and Workforce, and Health Sciences). The chair of the committee will be a faculty member and will serve a one-year term.
References: Request for Sabbatical Leave: Faculty form: