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Field Trips (policy)
Office of Origin: Student Affairs
Responsibility: Vice President, Student Affairs
Original Date Adopted: 5-21-24
Dates Reviewed: 5-21-24
Last Date Board Approved: 5-21-24
At Lake Michigan College (the College), “Field Trip” means an organized educational or co-curricular learning experience that requires students to travel off campus.
This policy applies to College-authorized travel for currently enrolled students and/or participants in College-sanctioned programs for services (e.g., Upward Bound.) The College is not responsible for any unauthorized travel. This policy does not apply to travel of student participants in intercollegiate athletics, which is covered by the Athletic Travel policy.
It is expected employees, students, and chaperones on a Field Trip use sound judgment, exercise appropriate caution, follow all safety protocols, and adhere to College policies and procedures, state and federal laws, and, for students, the LMC Student Handbook.
“Day Trips” are those that do not include overnight travel or overnight event(s). “Overnight Trips” are those that include overnight travel or overnight event(s).
Every Field Trip requires a Field Trip Sponsor, which must be a full-time College employee, unless otherwise approved by the President. The Field Trip Sponsor is responsible for compliance of all College policies and procedures.
The Field Trip Sponsor must complete a Field Trip Authorization Form, which must be approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs or Academic Affairs, as relevant. If the Field Trip includes minors, the Field Trip Authorization Form must
also be approved by the President.
The Field Trip Sponsor must provide relevant trip information to students traveling (date and time of departure, duration of trip, cost of the trip, financial responsibility of student, mode of travel, medical coverage, number of chaperones, purpose of trip, known hazards, contact information of lodging, special clothing or equipment required due to planned group activities, weather, or conditions, etc.). An orientation meeting is recommended for all trips, and a parent/guardian
orientation meeting is required for all trips involving minors.
The Field Trip Sponsor must inform students that the College assumes no responsibility for providing students with funds in case of unanticipated delays or other incidents, which may require additional expenditures.
The Field Trip Sponsor must inform students participating in a Field Trip of their responsibilities related to the instructional/classroom time they miss. Students should be instructed to notify their instructors of the classes they will miss as a result of participating in the trip at least 5 instructional weekdays (Monday-Friday) in advance and request appropriate arrangement to make up missed assignments
The Field Trip Sponsor must inform students in writing of the rules regarding conduct during a Field Trip including, but not limited to, hotel curfew, responsibility for purchases, and responsibility for any damages caused by a student.
For overnight trips, the Field Trip Sponsor must develop a sleeping plan before the trip starts. Students must be assigned to one per bed. Students will be assigned rooms based on gender (i.e., students will be in a room with students of the same sex.) Employees and chaperones cannot room with a student. Chaperones may sleep one to a room if desired.
Clery Act Requirements
In accordance with the Clery Act, the College is required to maintain a log of overnight travel in which students participate. The Field Trip Sponsor must submit the Clery Pre-Travel Form (found on the Clery Act site of the Employee Portal) at least 30 days prior to travel, or, if travel is necessary in a shorter timeframe, as soon as the travel arrangements are made. The Field Trip Sponsor must submit the Clery Post-Travel Form (found on the Clery Act site of the Employee Portal) as soon as possible after travel is completed, but no more than 10 days post-travel.
Trip Contingencies
Field Trip Sponsors and chaperones should try to anticipate complications and develop contingency plans. Examples of unplanned circumstances include a student’s need to return early because of a family emergency, student violates
conduct rules, or weather delays that require overnight housing. Field Trip Sponsors must understand contract limitations and restrictions, whether they arise from rental vehicle, lodging admission, or other agreements.
Documents on Hand
While on a trip, the Field Trip Sponsor must maintain a hard copy with them of all Emergency Contact Forms and Medical Proxy/Release Forms. In addition, during a Field Trip, the original signed forms must be maintained electronically in the office of Student Affairs or Academic Affairs, as relevant.
First Aid Kit
Field Trip Sponsors must have a First Aid Kit readily available at all times during a Field Trip. The First Aid Kit should be checked out from the Facilities Department for each Field Trip and then returned to ensure that it is properly maintained.
All field trips require a chaperone to student ratio of 1:10 for Day Trips and 1:8 for Overnight Trips.
The Field Trip Sponsor is required to identify chaperones as such on all documents related to a Field Trip. Chaperones are required to be over the age of 21 and must pass a background check in accordance with the College’s Background, Reference & Credit Checks policy.
Friends and family members of the Field Trip Sponsor cannot go on the Field Trip unless they are a student participant or acting as a Chaperone.
The College reserves the right to restrict, limit, or disallow student participation if extenuating or unusual circumstances exist that do or may cause unnecessary risk or liability to the participant, employees, or other participants.
Students traveling on a College-sponsored, recognized, or funded trip are subject to the College’s Student Code of Conduct and local, state, and federal laws at all times while traveling on an authorized trip.
The Field Trip Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that no one on a Field Trip (employees, students, chaperones, anyone on the trip) engages in willful misconduct including but not limited to:
- Using alcohol, marijuana, or an illegal substance while on the trip
- Engaging in inappropriate relationships
- Placing students in clearly dangerous circumstances
- Hosting or condoning an occasion where any of the above is violated.
The Field Trip Sponsor and Chaperones must take appropriate expedient action (such as sending the student home, if prudent) if it appears that a student is placing themselves or the larger group in danger. The Field Trip Sponsor must report any disciplinary issue to the Vice President of Student Affairs or Academic Affairs, as relevant, and the Program Director (if not the Field Trip Sponsor) immediately.
Progressive Discipline Process – Adult Students
A progressive discipline process will be used, dependent on the severity of the student’s behavior.
- The first infraction will result in the Field Trip Sponsor having a conversation with the student about their behavior. The Field Trip Sponsor will inform the student that this is the first disciplinary contact.
- If the behavior persists the Field Trip Sponsor will have another conversation with the student and inform them that they are receiving a warning. The student will be reminded that if there is one more disciplinary issue, they will have to leave the trip. The student must also be reminded that the cost of the return trip will be the responsibility of the student.
Some students, dependent on the severity of their behavior, will be asked to leave without the progressive discipline process. Some behaviors that will result in immediate removal from a Field Trip include, but are not limited to, theft, fighting, use or purchase of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal substances.
For the progressive discipline process for minor students, see the TRAVEL WITH MINORS – SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS section below.
Students must agree to follow a buddy system while on a Field Trip. Students will have a “buddy” or a partner to whom they are assigned. Students must remain with their buddy, especially when they are allowed to explore away from the group. It is each student’s responsibility to report when they are not aware of the whereabouts of their buddy.
Private Vehicle Use
Absent extraordinary circumstances (and unless approved in writing by the President), no personal vehicles may be used by any employee for transporting students on a Field Trip. This does not preclude adult students from providing their own transportation to and/or from a Field Trip, providing the student notifies the Field Trip Sponsor in advance of departure and provides all Required Documentation. In such instances, the student assumes all liability as a driver and waives the College liability for their actions as a driver. See the Vehicle Use policy.
College Transportation
Absent extraordinary circumstances (and unless specifically approved in writing by the President), Field Trip transportation provided by the College must be conducted by fully insured, properly licensed professional drivers using either licensed commercial/charter vehicles or vehicles owned and maintained by the State that meet all appropriate safety standards, including, but not limited to, use of passenger restraints and occupant protections requirements.
Safety Precautions
All modes of transportation require that common and mode-specific safety precautions (e.g., seatbelts) be used.
Travel conditions must be considered prior to departure, and the Field Trip Sponsor must exercise sound judgment in making decisions regarding travel.
Students traveling by commercial transportation must comply with all laws regulating travel and the rules of the specific carrier.
Drivers and passengers must obey all traffic laws and regulations, obey all policies and procedures, and act responsibly and use sound judgment when traveling. Further, drivers must not exceed the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended load capacity (see owner manuals for specific instructions), must avoid horseplay, racing or other distracting or aggressive behavior, and refrain from cell phone use and eating while driving.
Any unapproved travel-related expense incurred by the student, College employee, or chaperone is the responsibility of the respective traveler.
The College assumes no responsibility for providing students/groups with funds in case of unanticipated delays or other incidents, which may require additional expenditures. Reimbursement for emergency circumstances may be considered.
The College assumes no responsibility for medical coverage of student or non-College employee travelers. It is recommended each student and non-College employee have their own medical and accident insurance. Any costs not covered by insurance will be the responsibility of the traveler. Insured travelers must carry their insurance cards or proof of insurance with them on the trip.
In the event of an emergency (e.g., car accidents, injuries, hospitalizations, or death) or serious student behavioral conduct issue, the Field Trip Sponsor (or chaperone, if the Field Trip Sponsor is not immediately available) must immediately seek professional assistance, as required, and then immediately notify by telephone:
- listed emergency contact(s) for the student(s) involved (and, for minor students, parent/guardian if different from emergency contact)
- Vice President of Student Affairs or Academic Affairs, as relevant
- their direct supervisor
A written report of the incident must also be emailed to the relevant Vice President and President within 24 hours of the incident.
Students are responsible for administering their own medications.
If symptoms progress or worsen the Field Trip Sponsor must 1) contact the student’s emergency contact, 2) contact the relevant Vice President and direct supervisor, and 3) call 911. An event like this would also be considered an “Emergency”.
It is the responsibility of student participants or parents/guardians, in the case of minors, to inform the College of any existing certified medical condition that requires medication. Further, all participants with conditions must be able to monitor their condition and keep and administer all required medications without assistance; however, if assistance is required, the College reserves the right to determine what level of assistance is reasonable and does not negatively affect the rights of participation of other students.
If emergency care is needed, the Field Trip Sponsor must contact the emergency contact(s) while addressing symptoms. If the symptoms continue to worsen, the Field Trip Sponsor must seek out reasonable medical care. If symptoms are very serious, the Field Trip Sponsor must call 911 immediately. If the Field Trip Sponsor must call 911, they will do the following after calling 911: 1) contact the student’s emergency contact, 2) contact the Vice President, Student Affairs, or the supervising Academic Chair/direct supervisor.
If a participant has contagious symptoms, the Field Trip Sponsor will isolate the students as accommodations (van, bus, hotel) allow.
A First Aid Kit must be readily available during field trips.
In addition to the other requirements in this policy, the following requirements are specific to travel involving minors (e.g., student participants in the Upward Bound program).
The director of the program offering the Field Trip (“Program Director”) must be the Field Trip Sponsor and is directly responsible for compliance with College policies, procedures, and/or rules, even if other employees are involved in participating, assisting, leading, directing, or orchestrating the activities.
Only activities directly related to scheduled events will be allowed with absolutely no participation in unscheduled, unauthorized, or unnecessarily risky activities.
Required Documents
Required Documents for a Field Trip involving minor students include:
- Emergency Contact Form
- Field Trip Permission Slip
- Field Trip Rules of Conduct Form
- Medical Proxy/Release Form
The Required Documents must be signed as approved by the parent/guardian and provided to the Program Director no less than 5 working days in advance of a Day Trip and no less than 10 working days in advance of an Overnight Trip.
The Program Director must provide the Vice President of Student Affairs or Academic Affairs, as relevant, with electronic copies of all approved Required Documents at least 5 days before the Field Trip. If a student does not have all approved Required Documents, they will not be allowed on the Field Trip.
Overnight Trips
Participants in an Overnight Trip must be a rising 9th grade student or older.
A Mandatory Orientation Meeting with parents/guardians must be held no fewer than 15 working days (Monday-Friday) prior to departure of the Overnight Trip. Participants who are not represented at the meeting by parent/guardian will not be allowed to participate in the Overnight Trip. (Upon extraordinary circumstances, the Program Director may meet face-to-face with a parent/guardian to provide the same information that was covered at the Mandatory Orientation Meeting.)
Information required to be provided to the students and parent/guardian at the Mandatory Orientation Meeting includes, at a minimum:
- Detailed Travel Itinerary/Schedule, including date and time of departure and return and duration of trip, mode(s) of travel
- Cost of the trip
- Number of chaperones
- Purpose of the trip
- Known hazards
- Special clothing or equipment required because of planned activities
- Expected weather conditions, etc.
The Program Director must ensure that all activities are scheduled and completely and accurately listed on the Travel Itinerary, and that the Travel itinerary is strictly followed.
Progressive Discipline Process – Minor Students
A progressive discipline process will be used, dependent on the severity of the student’s behavior.
- The first infraction will result in the Field Trip Sponsor having a conversation with the student about their behavior. The Field Trip Sponsor will inform the student that this is the first disciplinary contact.
- The second infraction will result in the Field Trip Sponsor having a conversation with the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and informing them that they are receiving a Warning. The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be reminded that if there is one more disciplinary issue, the student will be asked to leave the trip and that the cost of the return trip will be the responsibility of the student.
Any discipline of a minor student participant will be followed by an email or letter to the parent/guardian and the Vice president of Student Affairs.
Students, dependent on the severity of their behavior, may be asked to leave without the progressive discipline process. Some behaviors that will result in immediate removal from a Field Trip include, but are not limited to, theft, violence, fighting, use or purchase of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal substances.
Any exceptions to this policy will only be granted by written authorization of the College President.
Background, Reference & Credit Checks policy
Clery Act
Clery Act Employee Portal site
Clery Post-Travel Form (Clery Act Employee Portal site)
Clery Pre-Travel Form (Clery Act Employee Portal site)
Employee Handbook
Field Trip Rules of Conduct Form
Grants policy
Trip Liability Waiver–Emergency Contact–Medical Authorization
Vehicle Use policy
Student Handbook
Travel & Expense Reimbursement policy