General Education Requirements for Graduates of Lake Michigan College (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Original Date Adopted: 11-22-05
Dates Reviewed: 01-16-20, 09-20-22, 07-19-23
Last Date Approved: 08-30-16, 03-24-20, 09-19-23
Approved by College Curriculum Committee: 07-27-16
The General Education requirements for graduates of Lake Michigan College (LMC) are as follows:
AA, AS, and ABA Degrees*
- One Course in English Composition; a second course in English Composition or one course in Communication
- 1 course in Mathematics
- 2 courses in Natural Sciences (from at least two academic disciplines; all LMC science courses have the required laboratory experience)
- 2 courses in Social Sciences (from at least two academic disciplines)
- 2 courses in Humanities/Fine Arts (from at least two academic disciplines, excluding studio and performance classes)
AAS and AGS Degrees*
- One Course in English Composition; a second course in English Composition or one course in Communication 2 courses in English/Communications
- 1 course in Mathematics
- 1 course in Natural Sciences
- 1 course in Social Sciences
- 1 course in Humanities/Fine Arts
*Courses taken to fulfill General Education requirements must be at the 100 level and above.
Any course taken for Honors credit are also accepted.
Please see the College Catalog for a list of specific courses.
References: College Catalog