General Education Waiver (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Date Adopted: 08-30-16
Date Reviewed: 10-01-19
Last Date Modified & Approved: 10-01-19, 07-19-23(c)
At Lake Michigan College (the College), all general education requirements for AA, AAS, ABA, AGS, and AS degrees will be waived for students who a) have earned an AA, ABA, AS, or an equivalent degree, or b) have completed the 30 credit hours specified in the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA). All general education requirements will also be waived for AAS and AGS degrees for students who have earned an AAS, AGS, or equivalent degree. All general education requirements for all degree types will be waived for students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher.
All transfer credits must be earned from a college or university regionally accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
This policy does not waive other degree and program requirements as outlined in the College catalog—including, but not limited to—residency credit requirement, minimum GPA, minimum credit hour requirements, and program-specific admission requirements. This waiver does not apply to specific course prerequisites.
MTA page on College Website -
College Catalog -
Transfer of College Credit Policy
Graduation Policy
Formerly Titled: General Education Requirement Waiver for Degree Holders & MTA Completers