Insurance (Policy)
Office of Origin: Purchasing & Risk Management
Responsibility: Manager, Purchasing & Risk Management
Date Adopted: 01-24-17
Dates Reviewed: 05-19-17, 08-05-17, 12-08-20, 1 -22-25(C)
Last Date Board Approved: 12-08-20
Lake Michigan College (the College) maintains insurance to protect its assets and mitigate risks. Some risks are uninsurable or may be self-insured when losses are minimal or cost-effective to retain.
The Manager, Purchasing & Risk Management (Risk Management) is responsible for
- assessing the College’s capacity for uninsured loss.
- mitigate risks to the College.
- filing and processing insurance claims promptly.
- Reviewing contracts and agreements for appropriate insurance and protective clauses.
It is the responsibility of employees, students, and volunteers to report incidents of injury or damage to Risk Management immediately..
Insurance Coverages
The College will maintain the following insurance policies.
- Auto Liability, Auto Physical Damage, & Garage Coverage. Covers liability and physical damage for College-owned/leased vehicles. Personal auto use for College business is secondary to personal coverage.
- General Liability. Covers the College, officers, and employees acting within their duties for liability to third parties. Excludes coverage for intentional acts.
- Property. Covers damage to College-owned/leased property. Excludes personal property and normal wear and tear.
- Crime. Covers money, securities, and property losses from theft, forgery, robbery, or fraud.
- Cyber Liability / Data Breach. Covers data breaches exposing personal information such as social security or credit card numbers.
- Personal Liability – Employees. Covers employees acting within scope of their employment, including community service if approved by their supervisor.
- Personal Liability – Volunteers. Covers volunteers for approved activities at College events on premise.
- Professional Liability. Covers employees and students participating in experiences roles for claims within the scope of their duties. Excludes malicious acts.
- Educators Legal Liability (Directors & Officers Insurance). Covers legal defense and damages for claims against employees and trustees acting within their duties.
- Workers’ Compensation. Covers job-related injuries as required by law.
- Liquor Liability. Covers damage or injury caused by individuals served alcohol under the College’s licenses.
- Underground Storage Tank Coverage. Covers pollution-related bodily injury or property damage from underground storage tanks.
Certificates of Insurance
Requests for a certificate of insurance should be made in writing to Risk Management.
Vendors/Contractors Insurance Requirements
Vendors and contractors must meet insurance requirements provided by Risk Management, based on the work's nature and risk.
Report incidents or potential claims to Risk Management immediately, as well as lawsuits or legal paperwork.
For property losses, notify Risk Management before cleanup begins.
Use the Claim/Incident Report for all incidents (e.g., theft, property damage).
Bodily Injury/Property Damage/Theft procedure
Claim/Incident Report
Travel Expenses
Workers’ Compensation procedure
Workers' Disability Compensation Act