Nepotism (Policy)
Office of Origin: Human Resources
Responsibility: Executive Director, Human Resources
Date Adopted: 04-25-17
Date Reviewed: 04-25-17. 11-1-23 (C)
Last Date Modified and Approved: 3-5-24
Nepotism is broadly defined as the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by providing jobs, work, or preferential treatment. Similarly, favoritism is the basing of decisions regarding appointment, promotion, wages, hours, or other conditions of employment on personal or other relationships rather than on objective standards and the needs of Lake Michigan College (the College).
It is the policy of the College that all decisions related to employment, contract award, and/or advancement will be based solely on professional qualifications and abilities without regard to family or other relationships.
However, employment or other engagement of family members or of those with a personal or other relationship is not prohibited provided that such individuals meet and fulfill regular employment standards and requirements of the position or contract. In addition, under no circumstances can an employee or contractor be placed under the direct supervision or control of a family member or someone with whom there is a close personal or other relationship.
Employees or members of the Board of Trustees (Board) should not initiate nor participate in decisions that could have an actual or perceived direct benefit to them, members of their family, or those with whom they have a close personal or other relationship. In the event that such circumstances arise:
- Employees must recuse themselves and notify their supervisor who will determine next steps.
- Board members must recuse themself from discussing or voting on a matter that could have an actual or perceived direct benefit to the Board member.
All employment or contract award decisions involving family members must be reported to and approved by both the supervising Cabinet member and
Executive Director of Human Resources prior to award. The supervising Cabinet member will take steps to ensure that nepotism or favoritism do not influence the hiring, awarding, employment, or evaluation when the possibility is known to exist. If a Cabinet member could have an actual or perceived direct benefit, then the President will work with the Executive Director, HR instead of the Cabinet member to address.
Employees must inform Human Resources of potential or existing situations involving family members or other relationships that could reasonably be
considered nepotism or to result in favoritism. Employees are encouraged to disclose the relevant facts if there is any doubt that a relationship currently exists or existed in the past.
References: Board Conflict of Interest policy, Conflict of Interest – Employee policy