Protection of Human Subjects in Research (Policy)
Office of Origin: Accreditation, Strategic Projects and Quality
Responsibility: Dean of Accreditation, Strategic Projects, and Quality
Original Date Adopted: 11-22-11
Dates Reviewed: 09-18-18, 06-21-23
Last Date Board Approved: 11-22-11, 02-05-19, 07-19-23(C)
It is the policy of Lake Michigan College (the College) to comply with all applicable federal regulations regarding the use of human subjects in research projects; respect the rights, well-being, and personal privacy of individuals; assure a favorable climate for the conduct of academic-oriented inquiry; and protect the interests of the College. It is also the policy of the College to utilize an Institutional Review Board for the review of research best practices.
References: Title 45 CFR 690: Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects 45 CFR 46: Federal Regulations, basic federal regulations governing human subject research March 18, 2016.
21 CFR 56: Title 21 Federal Regulations, basic federal regulations governing institutional review boards (IRBs)
Emphasis to be placed on the Institutional Review Board (IRB): A Community College Planning Guide. American Psychological Association, Committee of Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges, 2009.