Social Media Use (policy)
Office of Origin: Human Resources
Responsibility: Executive Director, Human Resources
Original Date Adopted: 03-07-2023
Dates Reviewed: 03-07-2023
Last Date Board Approved: 03-07-2023
Social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including to your own or someone else’s blog, journal or diary, personal website, social networking or affinity website, web bulletin board or chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with Lake Michigan College (the “College”), as well as any other form of electronic communication.
Carefully read this policy and the policies in the References section herein, and ensure your postings are consistent with these policies.
Basic Principles
- Employees are solely responsible for what they post online while at work and away from work.
- Any employee use of social media may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination if the employee’s use is related to their employment or does not touch a topic that is of concern to the public.
- Any conduct that adversely affects an employee’s job performance or the performance of co-workers, otherwise adversely affects students, visitors, vendors or those that work on behalf of the College or the College’s legitimate business interests, or disrupts College operations may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- Inappropriate postings, including but not limited to postings that violate a policy or otherwise include discriminatory remarks, harassment, threats of violence, admit or threaten unlawful conduct, or similar inappropriate and unprotected speech will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- This policy is not intended to, and will not be applied in any manner to, interfere with or otherwise restrict employees’ legal rights in any way, including discussing terms and conditions of employment, engaging in union activity, or engaging in other activity protected by law.
Be Respectful
Employees are expected to always be fair and courteous to others when acting in their role as employees. Before creating online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep in mind that you are more likely to resolve work-related complaints by speaking directly with a co-worker or by using Collaborative Decision Making principles than by posting complaints on a social media site.
Nevertheless, if you decide to post complaints or criticism, avoid using statements, photographs, video, or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening, or intimidating, that disparage co-workers, students, visitors, vendors, or those that work on behalf of the College, or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include posts meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, or any other status protected by law or College policy.
Be Honest and Accurate
Make sure you are honest and accurate when posting information or news as an employee or that a person could reasonably interpret as being made in that role. If you make a mistake, correct it quickly. Be open about any previous posts you have altered. Remember that the Internet archives almost everything; therefore, even deleted postings can be searched. Never post any information or rumors that you know to be false about the College, co-workers, students, visitors, vendors, or people working on behalf of the College or competitors.
Post only appropriate and respectful content
- Maintain confidentiality of College “trade secrets” and private or confidential information. Trade secrets may include information regarding the development of systems, processes, products, know-how, and technology.
- Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures, or other internal business-related confidential communications.
- Do not create a link from your blog, website, or other social networking site to a College website without identifying yourself as a College employee.
- If the College is a subject of the content you are creating, be clear and open about the fact that you are an employee and make it clear that your views do not represent those of the College, co-workers, students, visitors, vendors, or people working on behalf of the College.
- If you do publish a blog or post online related to the work you do or subjects associated with the College, make it clear that you are not speaking on behalf of the College. It is best to include a disclaimer such as “The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the College.”
Using social media at work
Refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment provided by the College, unless it is work-related, authorized by your manager, and consistent with the Acceptable Use of Technology policy. Do not use College email addresses to register on social networks, blogs, or other online tools utilized for personal use.
Retaliation is prohibited
The College prohibits taking negative action against any employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation. Any employee who retaliates against another employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
References: Acceptable Use of Technology policy
Non-Discrimination policy
Publicity Statements to the Media policy
Title IX Sexual Harassment policy
Last legal review: 3/24/22