Student Conduct, Discipline, and Due Process (Policy)
Office of Origin: Student Affairs
Responsibility: Vice President, Student Affairs
Date Adopted: 01-28-86
Dates Reviewed: 05-21-19, 1-31-22
Last Date Board Approved: 05-21-19, 6-14-22
Lake Michigan College (the College) expects students to maintain reasonable standards of conduct and behavior. When students do not conduct themselves as responsible members of the College community, the College may institute appropriate disciplinary action as laid out explicitly in the Student Code of Conduct, which is published on the College’s website and in the Student Handbook. Examples of disciplinary actions which may be imposed upon a student who is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct include:
- College Property Restriction – restriction from certain College facilities or property; either physical or virtual, for a specified period of time.
- Formal Warning – a written reprimand that expresses disapproval of the student’s actions and warns against any potential violations of College policy in the future.
- Probation – a period during which the student must demonstrate compliance with the Student Code of Conduct. The length of this period of probation will be determined by the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee. If found responsible for violating any College policies or failing to comply with other requirements stipulated during this period, the student may be immediately suspended from the College and/or events pending further disciplinary review.
- Suspension –Immediate dismissal from classes and activities at the College for at least the remainder of the term/semester in progress and/or a specified period of time thereafter. Any additional violations or failure to comply with other requirements stipulated during this time period of suspension may result in expulsion. During suspension, the student is not permitted to visit College premises or attend any College functions without prior written permission from the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee.
- Expulsion – permanent removal from the College. This means the student may no longer participate in any College activity or be on campus for any purpose.
Due Process is the guarantee of student civil rights under the Constitution of the United States and the laws and regulations of the State of Michigan. Due Process is that process that prevents rights from being taken away from an individual without notice and an opportunity to respond to allegations.
Due process requires that the Vice President of Student Affairs, or their designee meet with the student as soon as possible after the alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct and at such meeting the Vice President of Student Affairs, or their designee, will provide the student with (1) notice of the alleged violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct, (2) the facts upon which the alleged violation(s) is/are made, and (3) an opportunity to discuss the alleged violation(s) and respond. Within five business days of the meeting, the Vice President of Student Affairs, or their designee, will provide the student with notice of the decision and information regarding the appeal process, if applicable.
References: Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, Athlete Code of Conduct, Beckwith Hall Code of Conduct