Study Abroad Programs (Policy)
Office of Origin: Academic Affairs
Date Adopted: 4-17-2018
Date Reviewed: 1-30-2018
Last Date Modified & Approved: 4-17-2018
Lake Michigan College (LMC) is committed to developing an international perspective that prepares students, and develops employees and community members for a world economy and global citizenship. Study abroad programs provide cultural, academic, and personal discovery outside of the traditional campus learning environments; these experiences provide insight into international cultures and values, thus creating global citizens.
Only courses in study abroad programs conducted in accordance with National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA) - Responsible Study Abroad Guidelines shall be approved for LMC credit. Transcripts or other academic records from study abroad programs may require external review. Students and faculty participating in LMC approved study abroad programs shall comply with terms, conditions, and procedures defined in the Study Abroad Guide.
Responsibility: Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs