Sustainability (Policy)
Office of Origin: Board of Trustees
Responsibility Executive Director, Facilities Management
Date Adopted: 09-23-08
Date Reviewed: 01-15-12, 05-04-17 , 3-24-21 (C)
Last Date Board Approved: 5-04-17
Lake Michigan College (the College) is committed to fulfilling its mission and managing resources in harmony with its natural environment. The College is committed to meeting its social, scientific, ethical, and educational responsibilities in actively promoting restoration and preservation of healthy environments for the future and in contributing to an equitable world.
Our commitment to raising environmental awareness and acting on it is manifested in college teaching activities, services provided to the college community and society at large, and in individual and collective decisions that are taken to offset negative impacts of college operations and activities on the environment.
We are committed to increasing awareness of environmental issues by fostering appropriate values, knowledge, and skills that enable us to work towards environmental restoration and preservation.
The College will strive to be recognized as an environmentally safe and responsible institution and as a model of environmentally responsible living. To this end, the College community will make every reasonable effort to:
- Prevent over-consumption of energy and other resources.
- Reduce production of waste and release of substances harmful to the biosphere.
- Maintain purchasing practices that favor environmentally-benign, post-consumer, bio-degradable, and non-toxic products wherever possible.
- Encourage all members of the College community to be environmentally aware.
- Encourage all members of the College community to re-think/reduce/re-use/recycle.
- Consistently seek additional ways to be environmentally safe and responsible.
Nothing contained in this policy should be construed as requiring the procurement of products that do not perform adequately for their intended use, exclude adequate competition, or that are not available at a reasonable price in a reasonable period of time.