Teaching by Staff (Qualified, Non-Faculty Employees) (Policy)
Office of Origin: Human Resources
Responsibility: Executive Director, Human Resources
Original Date Adopted: 1-12-88
Dates Reviewed: 2-4-15; 6-7-17; 10-6-21(C)
Last Date Approved by Board: 6-27-17
Outside of regular Lake Michigan College (the College) work hours, qualified non-faculty staff may teach a maximum of 6 contact hours per semester with the approval of their supervisor, supervising Cabinet member, and Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs. Requests to teach in excess of 6 contact hours also requires the approval of the Executive Director, Human Resources.
Teaching during work, including the lunch hour, will be considered part of the normal workload and will not result in additional compensation.
All teaching assignments must follow the standard College faculty qualification and course assignment process.
If a teaching assignment interferes with job performance, the staff may be required to end or modify the teaching assignment as a condition of continued employment.
Staff will be allowed to teach only after full-time faculty base load requirements and preferred overload assignments are satisfied, and after qualified part-time faculty are considered. At no time should an established part-time faculty in good standing be replaced by a staff.
References: Faculty Qualifications policy