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I received my PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology while studying the role of a mouse in large-scale agriculture. I have long been focused on the role of unseen animals in our human-dominated landscapes. This interest stems from a childhood spent in the woods turning over rocks and looking for signs of interesting but hard-to-observe critters.
Education: PhD, Iowa State University, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
MS, San Francisco State University, Ecology and Systematics
BS, Muskingum College, Conservation Biology
Professional Memberships:
National Association of Biology Teachers
Ecological Society of America
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society of Mammalogy
Publishes Articles: Doudna, J.W. and B.J. Danielson. 2016. Isotopes from fecal material provides evidence of recent diet of prairie deer mice. Prairie Naturalist 48:11-20.
Doudna, J.W. 2016. Can a biology course rooted in the tree of life overcome student misconceptions? The American Biology Teacher 78:93-98. DOI: 10.1525/abt.2016.78.2.93
Doudna, J.W. and B.J. Danielson. 2015. Rapid morphological change in the masticatory structures of an important ecosystem service provider. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127218. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127218
Doudna, J.W., M.E. O’Neal, J.C. Tyndall, and M.J. Helmers. 2015. Perspectives of extension agents and farmers toward an ecosystem service paradigm in the United States Corn Belt. Journal of Extension 53(6). Available at:
Doudna, J.W. and E.F. Connor. 2012. Response of terrestrial arthropod assemblages to coastal dune restoration. Ecological Restoration 30:20-26.
Professional/Real-World Experience: Dr. Doudna has worked in a variety of habitats, from restored coal mines in Ohio to sand dunes on the coast of California to the cornfields of Iowa to understand the impacts human endeavors have had on nature and the effects animals have on our human endeavors. Dr. Doudna also worked for a time as a biological consultant in Central California.
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Personal Mantra: "To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering." – Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac
PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Master of Science, Ecology and Systematics; Bachelor of Science, Conservation Science
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