Governance Systems (Policy)
Office of Origin: Board of Trustees
Responsibility: President
Original Date Adopted: 4-17-18
Dates Reviewed:4-17-18, 6-20-23
Last Date Board Approved: 6-20-23
The governance systems of Lake Michigan College (the College) are intended to involve all segments of the College in decisions related to their roles and responsibilities in achieving the mission of the College. This is in acknowledgement of the shared commitment among the Board of Trustees (the Board), the faculty, and the staff to the educational and institutional excellence of the College.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board in Governance
See the Board Governance policy.
Roles and Responsibilities of the President in Governance
The President is the College's chief planning officer, chief executive officer, and chief operating officer. The President possesses the authority to:
- Administer the policies adopted by the Board, using such discretion as is necessary to implement such.
- Recommend adoption, modification, or repeal of policies to the Board.
Roles and Responsibilities of President's Cabinet in Governance
The Cabinet serves as the executive leadership body of the College. It is the role of each Cabinet member to provide advice on matters related to the member’s areas of expertise. In addition to their advisory duties, Cabinet members lead their
respective divisions/departments, create and/or execute policies that guide each unit, develop and/or modify procedures that implement policies, manage programs under their oversight authority, and report back to the Cabinet on relevant issues
within those areas. The Cabinet, along with and at the direction of the President, provides day-to-day executive leadership within the College and serves in various capacities within the College’s communities.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Lecturers in Governance
See the Labor Agreement between Lake Michigan College & the Lake Michigan College Education Association MEA\NEA (the “faculty contract”.)
Roles and Responsibilities of Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees in Governance
Exempt and non-exempt employees have the obligation to participate actively in College governance through involvement with College committees, taskforces, and councils.
Roles and Responsibilities of Facilities Employees in Governance
Roles and Responsibilities of Institutional Committees
Roles and Responsibilities of Institutional Committees have been created based on the College’s strategic plan and align with the mission of Lake Michigan College. Committee members (which includes administrators, faculty, and staff) have an
obligation utilizing collaborative decision making (CDM) to advise, recommend, initiate, document, and/or revise institutional practices and procedures as it pertains to the committee charge and areas of expertise.
Governance Communication
At a minimum, the following governance communication processes will occur:
- The President will meet with the Cabinet and Faculty Communication Committee (CFCC) to discuss matters of concern to either or both parties in accordance with the faculty contract.
- At least once per year, the President will meet with non-exempt employees to discuss matters of concern to either or both of the parties.
- At least once per year, the President will meet with exempt employees to discuss matters of concern to either or both of the parties.
- See the Policy and Procedure Approval and Distribution procedure for required steps related to policy adoption.
References: Employee Handbook; Labor Agreement between Lake Michigan College and the Lake Michigan College Education Association MEA\NEA; Board Governance policy