Employee Handbook
Office of Origin: Human Resources
Responsibility: Executive Director, Human Resources
Original Date Adopted: 7-29-82
Dates Reviewed: 8-18-14, 10-21-18, 6-15-20, 2-24-21(C), 10-6-21(C), 3-16-22(C), 8-30-22(C), 2-5-24(C)
Last Date Board Approved:10-25-22
This handbook is intended to help employees find the answers to many questions that they may have regarding their employment with Lake Michigan College (the “College”). This handbook is applicable to all employees. It is the College’s expectation that every employee will be familiar with the general information contained in this handbook, and will take the time necessary to read it.
We do not expect this handbook to answer all questions, nor is it intended to cover every detail of your employment. Supervisors and the Human Resources Department (“HR”), as well as policies and procedures, also serve as major sources of information.
Neither this handbook nor any other verbal or written communication by a College representative is, nor should be considered to be, an agreement, contract of employment, express or implied, or a promise of treatment in any particular manner in any given situation, nor does it confer any contractual rights whatsoever. Except as otherwise required by law or express written agreement, the College adheres to the policy of employment at will, which permits the College or the employee to end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice.
No College representative other than the Executive Director, HR may modify at-will status and/or provide any special arrangement concerning terms or conditions of employment in an individual case or generally and any such modification must be in a signed writing.
Many matters covered by this handbook, such as benefit plan descriptions, are also described in separate College documents. These College documents are always controlling over any statement made in this handbook or by any member of management.
If an employee is subject to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”), the CBA supersedes any inconsistent term, policy, procedure, or benefit contained or referenced in this handbook. (Facilities employees should refer to the FACILITIES UNION CONTRACT. Full-time faculty should refer to the FACULTY UNION CONTRACT.)
The College may, at any time, in its sole discretion, modify or vary from anything stated in this handbook, with or without notice, except for the rights of the parties to end employment at will, which may only be modified by an express written agreement signed by the employee and the Executive Director, HR.
This handbook supersedes all prior handbooks.
Table of Contents
Section 1 – About the College
1-1 Academic Programs
1-2 Accreditations
1-3 Bookstore
1-4 Calendar
1-5 Campus Locations & Campus Maps
1-6 Central Duplicating
1-7 Our Mission, College-Wide Goals, Our Guiding Principles, and Locations
1-8 Food on Campus
1-9 Foundation
1-10 Governance
1-11 History of the College
1-12 Library
1-13 Mendel Center
1-14 Organizational Chart
1-15 Transparency Page
Section 2 - Standards of Conduct/Governing Employment Principles
2-1 At-Will Employment
2-2 Attendance and Punctuality
2-3 Attendance at Graduation Ceremony
2-4 Authority to Bind External Agreements
2-5 Cameras & Recording Devices in the Workplace
2-6 Code of Conduct - Drug-Free Workplace
2-7 Code of Conduct - Workplace Conduct2
2-8 Compensation When College is Closed
2-9 Compliance Requirements – External Agency
2-10 Conflicts of Interest
2-11 Confidentiality
2-12 Consensual Relationships
2-13 Constitutional Speech/Expression Rights
2-14 Dress Code
2-15 Employment Classifications
2-16 Employee Discipline
2-17 Employee Responsibilities
2-18 Equipment, Facilities, & Property Use
2-19 Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions
2-20 FERPA
2-21 Health and Safety
2-22 Inspections
2-23 Institutional Data Management
2-24 Intellectual / Proprietary Property Rights
2-25 Nepotism
2-26 Non-Discrimination / Equal Opportunity
2-27 Non-Harassment
2-28 Outside Employment
2-29 Passwords
2-30 Personal Visits, Phone Calls, Text Messages, and Emails
2-31 Protected Activities
2-32 Publicity Statements to the Media
2-33 Qualifications
2-34 Receipt of Gifts & Gratuities
2-35 Reporting of Misconduct
2-36 Selling, Soliciting, and Advertising
2-37 Smoking and Nicotine
2-38 Social Media
2-39 Teaching by Staff
2-40 Technology Use
2-41 Vehicle Use
2-42 Energy Use
2-43 Wage Determination
2-44 Weapons Free Campus
2-45 Workplace Violence
Section 3 - Operational Policies & Procedures
3-1 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
3-2 Breaks (Non-exempt Employees Only)
3-3 Building Access
3-4 Classes During Work Schedule
3-5 College Brand Identity
3-6 Communicable Diseases
3-7 Direct Deposit
3-8 Due Process
3-9 Eligibility for Raise
3-10 Emergency Closures
3-11 Employee Portal
3-12 Employment Records
3-13 Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)
3-14 International Employees
3-15 IT Service Levels Agreement
3-16 Job Descriptions - Creating, Reviewing & Regrading
3-17 Job Postings
3-18 Minors on Campus
3-19 Overtime (Non-exempt Employees Only)
3-20 Pay Periods and Paydays
3-21 Performance Reviews
3-22 Personal Property
3-23 Personnel Records
3-24 Policies and Procedures
3-25 Purchasing
3-26 Procurement Cards
3-27 Record Retention
3-28 Reduction in Force
3-29 Repairs & Services
3-30 Resignation
3-31 Restroom/Locker Room Accessibility on College Property
3-32 Sale/Disposal of College Property
3-33 Safe Harbor Policy for Exempt Employees
3-34 Shipping and Receiving Goods
3-35 Social Security Number Privacy
3-36 Start Time
3-37 Teaching by Staff
3-38 Termination
3-39 Timekeeping
3-40 Travel
3-41 Travel Time (Non-Exempt Employees Only)
3-42 Vacancies, Transfers and Assignments
3-43 Working Hours and Work Schedule
3-44 Work Locations
Section 4 – Benefits
4-1 Benefits Overview
4-2 Bereavement Leave
4-3 Disability Insurance
4-4 Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”)
4-5 Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
4-6 Fitness Studio
4-7 Flexible Scheduling and Remote Work Options
4-8 Insurance
4-9 Jury Duty
4-10 Lactation Breaks
4-11 Leave of Absence
4-12 Mileage Reimbursement
4-13 Military Leave
4-14 Paid Holidays
4-15 Participation in College Groups & Volunteering Time Off
4-16 Personal Days
4-17 Professional Development/Continuing Education
4-18 Retirement Plan
4-19 Sabbatical Leave
4-20 Sick Leave / Paid Medical Leave
4-21 Summer Hours
4-22 Tuition Waiver
4-23 Vacation
4-24 Vacation Donation
4-25 Victims of Crime Leave
4-26 Wellness Release Time
4-27 Workers' Compensation
Section 5 – Safety
5-1 Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure Control
5-2 Chemical Hygiene
5-3 Emergency Preparedness and Response
5-4 Emergency Procedures
5-5 Hazard Communication Program
5-6 Identification Badge
5-7 Identity Theft Prevention & Red Flag Rules
5-8 Safety and Emergency Information
5-9 Sex Offender Registry
5-10 Weather & Emergency Closings
Section 1 – About the College
For employees who are beginning employment with the College, welcome! For employees who have been with us, thanks for your past and continued service. HR would like to extend best wishes for success and enjoyment of your time spent here at the College.
1-1 Academic Programs
See the ACADEMICS page of the website.
1-2 Accreditations
See the ACCREDITATION page on the website.
1-3 Bookstore
The bookstore is located on the first floor of the academic building on the Benton Harbor Campus, between the B and C Wings in room S-121. For hours of operation and more information, see the BOOKSTORE page on the website.
At the South Haven and Niles campuses, a ‘pop-up’ bookstore is generally available the first and last weeks of each semester. Contact the campus for details and hours of operation.
To order books, supplies, and educationally priced software, contact the bookstore through BARNES AND NOBLE'S LMC HOMEPAGE.
1-4 Calendar
Stay up to date with the College Calendar, which has the dates, times, and locations of various events such as Academics, Athletics, Board of Trustees, Community, Game Schedule, Student Events, and Mendel Center on the CALENDAR page of the website.
1-5 Campus Locations & Campus Maps
See the VISIT CAMPUS page on the website, where you can find maps of each location (BENTON HARBOR, NILES, SOUTH HAVEN.) EMERGENCY PLANS & DOOR NUMBERING can be found on the Employee Portal under Facilities.
1-6 Central Duplicating
Central Duplicating (“CD”) provides copying services for employees. CD hours and steps for requesting service are published on the CENTRAL DUPLICATION SUBSITE of the Employee Portal. Business cards can be ordered from CD as well.
1-7 Our Mission, College-Wide Goals, Our Guiding Principles, and Locations
See the ABOUT page of the website.
1-8 Food on Campus
The Hawk's Nest Cafe is located on the first floor, next to the Hawk’s Nest across from the bookstore. The full menu can be viewed on the HAWK’S NEST CAFÉ page of the website. In addition, Avenue C café is a vending option with drinks, sandwiches, and other snacks located in the Todd Center. Standard vending machines are located at Main building, Mendel Center, and Hanson Technology Center.
On the South Haven and Niles campuses, standard vending machines are centrally located.
The residence hall, Beckwith Hall, also has vending with drinks, sandwiches, and other snacks, but is only available to residents.
1-9 Foundation
The Lake Michigan College Foundation was formed in 1986 as an independent organization to raise and manage donations for scholarships and other resources that support the mission and priorities of the College. For information and opportunities to give, see the LMC FOUNDATION page of the website.
1-10 Governance
The College’s governance systems are intended to involve all members of the College community an opportunity to provide input into decisions and help shape direction. See the GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS policy for more information.
See the BOARD GOVERNANCE policy for more information on the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) governance role, and the BOARD OF TRUSTEES page of the website for information on the trustees that serve in that role.
The President and President’s Cabinet are the executive leadership of the College. More information can be found on the PRESIDENT'S CABINET page of the website.
1-11 History of the College
LMC began in 1946 with just 61 students taking night classes in a high school basement. Since then, we have continued to grow and evolve along with the communities we serve. To learn more about the history of the College, see the LMC HISTORY page of the website.
1-12 Library
The William Hessel Library is located in the L-Wing on the first floor of the Benton Harbor campus. To find print books, eBooks, DVDs, and streaming videos held in the library, search the Online Catalog. Hours of operation and other information can be found on the WILLIAM HESSEL LIBRARY page of the website.
1-13 Mendel Center
The Mendel Center is known for its Mainstage performances and Grand Upton Hall event center where a wide variety of entertainment and events are held year-round. More information on attending or becoming a volunteer or supporter can be found on the LAKE MICHIGAN COLLEGE'S MENDEL CENTER page of the website.
1-14 Organizational Chart
An organizational chart (“org chart”) is a visual chart that represents the structure of a company. It shows how teams and departments are organized, the reporting relationships across the organization, and every individual’s role. The College ORGANIZATIONAL CHART can be found on the HR subsite of the Employee Portal. See also the ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS policy.
1-15 Transparency Page
The Michigan State School Aid Act requires all public schools to post certain information on their website. The College’s information can be found on the TRANSPARENCY page on the website.
Section 2 - Standards of Conduct/Governing Employment Principles
The College will administer employment of full- and part-time employees in accordance with its policies and any procedures related thereto. The College may at any time adopt new policies and/or procedures or amend those existing. Adoption or amendment will not become effective until such has been published with the other policies or procedures.
Facilities employees should also refer to the FACILITIES UNION CONTRACT. Full-time faculty should also refer to the FACULTY CONTRACT policy.
2-1 At-Will Employment
Employees are employed on an at-will basis. Either the employee or the College may terminate the at-will employment relationship with or without cause or notice at any time.
2-2 Attendance and Punctuality
Employees are hired to perform important functions at the College. As with any group effort, operating effectively takes cooperation and commitment from everyone; therefore, attendance and punctuality are very important. Unnecessary or excessive absences and lateness negatively impact operations and services, are disruptive, and place an unfair burden on co-workers. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
Any employee who fails to report to work for a period of 3 days or more without notifying their supervisor will be considered to have abandoned their job and voluntarily terminated the employment relationship.
There are times when absences and tardiness, however, cannot be avoided. In such cases, employees must notify their supervisor as early as possible, but no later than the start of the workday. If the absence or tardiness is due to an emergency, then the employee should notify their supervisor as soon as reasonably possible. Appointments that are required during working hours are to be coordinated in advance with and approved by the supervisor.
2-3 Attendance at Graduation Ceremony
All employees are encouraged to attend graduation ceremonies. The College will provide academic regalia for any employee who wishes to participate in graduation exercises.
2-4 Authority to Bind External Agreements
The AUTHORITY TO BIND COLLEGE TO EXTERNAL AGREEMENTS policy designates who has the authority to obligate the College to agreements.
2-5 Cameras & Recording Devices in the Workplace
2-6 Code of Conduct - Drug-Free Workplace
2-7 Code of Conduct - Workplace Conduct
2-8 Compensation When College is Closed
Non-exempt employees working during a Paid Holiday or Emergency Closure will be paid for hours actually worked in addition to emergency closure or holiday pay.
2-9 Compliance Requirements – External Agency
2-10 Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s personal interests conflict with their job duties; see the below policies, as relevant, for more information.
2-11 Confidentiality
In the course of employment, employees may have access to information about students, employees, or other individuals or entities. The College expects such information will be kept confidential. If you are uncertain about whether information is confidential, check with a supervisor before disclosing the information to any person or entity. Violations may result in discipline up to and including discharge.
The above language does not limit an employee’s right to discuss or disclose the employee’s wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment or to otherwise engage in protected activity under the Public Employment Relations Act.
2-12 Consensual Relationships
2-13 Constitutional Speech/Expression Rights
The Board recognizes the right of any employee to take or refrain from taking a stand on a political issue and to support or oppose any issue or candidate. Such activities, however, must be conducted on an individual's own time and off College premises.
Employee speech and expression must be made as a private citizen on a matter of public concern and must not interfere with the College’s interests in its business operations and educational mission. Employees must never represent their views as those of the College or claim to speak for the College, absent express written permission from the Executive Director, Marketing & Communications.
Employees may not engage in any speech or conduct that supports or detracts from a religion when acting in their capacity as employees. This requirement is not intended to limit any rights an employee may have regarding the accommodation of religious expression in the workplace.
Also see the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION policy.
2-14 Dress Code
See the DRESS CODE policy.
2-15 Employment Classifications
2-16 Employee Discipline
The College will follow a system of progressive/corrective discipline. The supervisor and employee are encouraged to informally discuss the situation and/or performance problems before formal corrective steps become necessary.
- In normal circumstances, corrective steps, whether for related or unrelated infractions, will include written warning, followed by suspension with or without pay, and then termination.
- Discipline will be commensurate with the seriousness of the infraction; disciplinary steps may be repeated for less serious infractions or bypassed for more serious infractions.
- The immediate supervisor, in consultation with the department administrator and HR, will determine the seriousness of the action requiring discipline and determine the appropriate level of discipline.
- In determining the seriousness of an infraction, not only will the conduct of the employee be considered but also the consequences of the conduct to the College and its operations.
- The supervisor and HR may administer a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for the employee to support improved performance. Successful completion of a PIP does not guarantee continued employment.
2-17 Employee Responsibilities
The basic employment obligation of the employee is to assist in the implementation of the College mission and goals, to administer policies and procedures.
For exempt employees, performance of these responsibilities is to be accomplished without regard to hours.
All employees are expected to continually develop in professional growth and competence, and are encouraged to participate in service to the community.
In addition to special assignments made by the supervisor, employees are expected to perform all duties and responsibilities included in their position job description.
2-18 Equipment, Facilities, & Property Use
2-19 Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions
The College seeks to provide a safe and secure environment. To better promote safety and security and mitigate risk, employees are required to disclose any felony crime for which they have been charged and/or convicted.
An employee’s disclosure must be made to their HR Business Partner within 5 days of knowledge of the charge and within 1 week of a conviction, if applicable.
Employees disclosing a felony charge and/or conviction must provide truthful and accurate information. Failure to disclose a felony charge and/or conviction will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including discharge.
2-20 FERPA
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law administered by the U.S. Department of Education (Department) and applies to all educational agencies and institutions that receive funding under any program administered by the Department. See the FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS & PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) policy for information.
2-21 Health and Safety
Employees may not take any action that will needlessly jeopardize their health or safety or the safety of others while at work. Employees must comply with all safety rules. If an employee sustains a work-related injury or illness, the employee must notify their immediate supervisor and if appropriate, medical personnel, immediately. The EMPLOYEE REPORT OF INJURY can be found on the HR subsite of the Employee Portal.
2-22 Inspections
Upon reasonable suspicion, the College reserves the right to require employees who are on College property or on property of a business affiliate of the College (clinical site, internship, etc.) to agree to the inspection of their person, personal possessions and property, personal vehicles parked on College or affiliate property, and work areas. A College or affiliate site security guard will perform the search with HR present. Search areas include lockers, desks, cabinets, work stations, packages, handbags, briefcases, and other personal possessions or places of concealment, as well as personal mail sent to the College or to its affiliates. Employees are expected to cooperate in the conduct of any search or inspection.
2-23 Institutional Data Management
2-24 Intellectual / Proprietary Property Rights
2-25 Nepotism
See the NEPOTISM policy.
2-26 Non-Discrimination / Equal Opportunity
The College is an equal opportunity institution, and will comply with state and federal employment laws. See the NON-DISCRIMINATION and ACCESSIBILITY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES policies.
2-27 Non-Harassment
2-28 Outside Employment
2-29 Passwords
See the PASSWORDS policy.
2-30 Personal Visits, Phone Calls, Text Messages, and Emails
Employees must limit their personal visits, calls, text messages, emails, and similar personal business during business hours to those that are urgent or serious in nature.
2-31 Protected Activities
Nothing in this policy may be construed as limiting an employee’s right to engage in activities protected by law, including activities protected under the Public Employment Relations Act. Employees have the right to engage in protected and concerted activities and engage in activities for the mutual aid and protection of each other.
2-32 Publicity Statements to the Media
2-33 Qualifications
HR has the right to verify the qualifications of employees and to determine the requirements for their hire, termination, transfer, or assignment.
HR will establish minimum qualifications for each job position and will publish the qualifications in job descriptions. Minimum qualifications will adhere to Higher Learning Commission guidelines, criteria, and assumed practices. Minimum qualifications may be amended or modified from time to time as approved by HR.
2-34 Receipt of Gifts & Gratuities
2-35 Reporting of Misconduct
2-36 Selling, Soliciting, and Advertising
2-37 Smoking and Nicotine
2-38 Social Media
See the SOCIAL MEDIA policy. {policy is in progress}.
2-39 Teaching by Staff
See the TEACHING BY STAFF policy.
2-40 Technology Use
2-41 Vehicle Use
See VEHICLE USE policy and the COLLEGE OWNED VEHICLE USE procedure. {policy and procedure are in progress}.
2-42 Energy Use
The Facilities Management Department (“Facilities”) operates building heating and cooling systems to meet the needs of building use throughout the year while maintaining reasonable goals for energy efficiency. See ENERGY USE procedure on the Employee Portal for more information on employee responsibilities.
2-43 Wage Determination
The President or designee has the authority to offer wages, consistent with the College compensation philosophy and/or contractual obligations. The College may at any time develop and/or modify wage placement criteria and procedures, which will be published or disseminated among employees.
2-44 Weapons Free Campus
2-45 Workplace Violence
Section 3 - Operational Policies & Procedures
3-1 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
The College may terminate employment if an employee is unable to satisfactorily perform or to resume their duties because of illness, disability, or incapacity at the expiration of any authorized medical leave of absence. Before employment is so terminated, a written notice of intent to terminate will be delivered to the employee, or to the guardian, spouse, or such other person as may be legally responsible for the employee. Upon receipt of such notice, the employee may request implementation of the provisions for due process set forth herein. No termination will become effective until completion of due process.
3-2 Breaks (Non-exempt Employees Only)
3-3 Building Access
In general, campuses are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and during holidays, except for scheduled events when access is coordinated with the Facilities Department. Check with Facilities for scheduled closure times. If it is necessary for an employee to enter a building when a campus is closed, they need to have an exterior door key (see KEY procedure) or make arrangements with the security guard through the Facilities Office Manager. See also the BUILDING ACCESS procedure on the Employee Portal.
3-4 Classes During Work Schedule
With supervisor approval, full time employees may take 1 College class a semester during their work schedule, up to 3 contact hours per week.
3-5 College Brand Identity
3-6 Communicable Diseases
3-7 Direct Deposit
Employees are required to use direct deposit. The DIRECT DEPOSIT AUTHORIZATION form can be found under Documents / Payroll Forms on the Finance subsite of the Employee Portal.
3-8 Due Process
The due process provisions set forth here apply only to situations involving disciplinary suspension or termination of employment for reason of illness, disability or incapacity, or just cause.
Before employment is suspended or terminated, HR will provide the employee with a written notice of suspension or of intent to recommend termination of services. This notice will contain a statement of the reason(s) for the suspension or recommendation for termination in sufficient detail to enable the employee to be informed of the reasons and a copy of the provisions for the due process.
Within 5 working days of receipt of a notice of disciplinary suspension or intent to recommend termination of services, the employee may request a meeting with the Executive Director, HR or designee for discussion within 2 weeks. Failure to request a meeting within this time limit will be deemed a waiver of the right to such a meeting, and the disciplinary suspension or termination will be in effect as deemed appropriate by the supervisor and the executive administrator of the division, in consultation with Executive Director, HR. If upon meeting, the Executive Director, HR and the employee are unable to agree on the appropriateness of the disciplinary suspension or termination, the employee may appeal to the President by submitting a written request for a meeting for discussion within 5 working days. The decision of the President will be final.
The College may terminate or suspend employment of an employee at any time where just cause exists for such termination or suspension. Just cause includes, by way of illustration but not limitation, unsatisfactory performance; gross insubordination; gross violation of College policies, procedures, rules, or regulations; abandonment of duties; commission of crimes; or such other conduct as justifies the termination or suspension of employment.
The College may terminate employment if an employee is unable to satisfactorily perform or resume their duties because of illness, disability, or incapacity at the expiration of any authorized medical leave of absence. Before employment is so terminated, a written notice of intent to terminate will be delivered to the employee, or to the guardian, spouse, or such other person as may be legally responsible for the employee. Upon receipt of such notice, the employee may request implementation of the provisions for the appeal due process set forth herein. No termination will become effective until completion of due process.
3-9 Eligibility for Raise
An employee must have been employed for at least 90 days prior to the date of the raise to be eligible for the raise.
3-10 Emergency Closures
When the College has an Emergency Closure (e.g., closes due to weather or other sudden, unexpected occurrences), employees are expected to work remotely as a Remote Learning & Working Day. If the College closes for any reason and the employee is already at work, the employee is expected to work remotely for the remainder of that day’s work schedule.
If an employee is unable to work remotely, the employee must let their supervisor know as soon as possible to minimize any disruption of services. The employee will be required to use Vacation or Sick Leave for that day or hours.
3-11 Employee Portal
The EMPLOYEE PORTAL provides information for employees. To access the Employee Portal, go to the website, scroll to the very bottom, and click on Faculty & Staff. There you can find the Employee Dashboard, Quick Links, Departments, Employee Calendar, Directory, and other resources.
3-12 Employment Records
Employee records are public records subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
There will be only one official personnel file for each employee, which will be maintained in HR. The employee has the right to review the contents of the personnel file, excluding letters of recommendation, with a member of the Human Resources Department. Excluding authorized College personnel or agents, no third party will be permitted access to an employee personnel file without the written consent of the employee unless disclosure is ordered in a legal action or government claim.
Employees should keep their personnel file up to date by informing their HR Business Partner of any changes. Employees also should inform their HR Business Partner of any specialized training or skills they acquire, as well as changes to any required visas. Unreported changes of address, marital status, etc. can affect withholding tax and benefit coverage. Important life changes such as birth or adoption of a child, marriage, or divorce should be reported to HR as soon as possible and no later than 30 days after the event if employee benefits changes are needed. Benefits changes will not be possible until the following open enrollment period if 30-day notice is not met.
3-13 Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)
3-14 International Employees
3-15 IT Service Levels Agreement
The IT SERVICE LEVELS AGREEMENT policy page of the website defines responsibilities of the IT department and College technology users.
3-16 Job Descriptions - Creating, Reviewing & Regrading
To submit a new or revised job description (JD), the supervisor will need to go through the HR review and/or regrading process by following the steps int he JOB DESCRIPTIONS –CREATING, REVIEWING & REGRADING procedure.
3-17 Job Postings
To be eligible to apply for an open position, employees must meet the following requirements:
- have been in their current position for at least 6 months;
- have a performance rating of acceptable;
- not be on a PIP; and
- provide their current supervisor with written notice prior to applying for the position.
An on-line job posting application must be completed to be considered for the position.
Although the College does generally post all vacant positions, there is not a guarantee that all positions will be posted.
The College reserves the right to seek applicants solely from outside sources or to post positions internally and externally simultaneously.
3-18 Minors on Campus
See the MINORS ON CAMPUS policy.
3-19 Overtime (Non-exempt Employees Only)
Full-time non-exempt employees who work over 40 hours per work week will be paid 1.5 times their hourly base pay for the hours worked over 40. “Work week” is defined as Sunday through Saturday. Paid or unpaid leave hours are not considered as hours worked for overtime calculations (e.g., personal days, vacation time, sick leave, paid holidays, emergency closures, etc.) Travel time is considered hours worked for overtime calculations.
3-20 Pay Periods and Paydays
Paychecks are issued on a bi-weekly basis of every other Friday (26 or 27 pays per year). The PAYROLL CALENDAR can be accessed on the Employee Portal under Human Resources / Compensation / Staff Compensation.
3-21 Performance Reviews
Employees will receive at least 1 performance appraisal annually by the supervisor, which will be maintained in the employee personnel file.
3-22 Personal Property
Keeping personal property of value on campus is strongly discouraged and is done at the employee's risk of loss as personal property is not covered under the College's insurance. The College is not responsible for personal property that is lost, damaged, or stolen.
3-23 Personnel Records
3-24 Policies and Procedures
All policies require approval of the Board and can be found on the POLICIES page on the website. Procedures are operational in nature, do not require Board approval, and can be found on the PROCEDURES subsite of the Employee Portal.
3-25 Purchasing
It is the responsibility of employees to know and abide by the PURCHASING policy and PURCHASING procedure.
3-26 Procurement Cards
See the PROCUREMENT CARD procedure on the Employee Portal to learn how to request a Pro Card and other information.
3-27 Record Retention
See the RECORD RETENTION policy.
3-28 Reduction in Force
The College may terminate employment if it determines that a reduction in the workforce is necessary. In such case, the College will give written notice to the affected employee no less than 10 workdays before the employee's services are to be terminated or will provide 2 weeks’ pay in lieu of notice. Health, dental, and vision insurance benefits will continue through the end of the month in which employment ends. Unused vacation time will be forfeited upon termination of employment.
3-29 Repairs & Services
See the FACILITIES REPAIR OR SERVICE procedure on the Employee Portal for more information on all the services provided by Facilities.
3-30 Resignation
See the RESIGNATION policy.
3-31 Restroom/Locker Room Accessibility on College Property
3-32 Sale/Disposal of College Property
3-33 Safe Harbor Policy for Exempt Employees
It is the College’s intent 1) to pay all employees qualifying as exempt under the current provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) on a salary basis, 2) to prohibit improper deductions from the salary of FLSA exempt employees, and 3) to correct any improper deductions.
An employee qualifying as exempt under FLSA provisions will receive their full salary for any week in which the employee performs any work, regardless of the number of days or hours worked, except as follows:
- If an employee is absent from work for a full day or more for personal reasons other than sickness or disability;
- If the employee is absent from work for a full day or more for sickness or disability as long as the deduction is made in accordance with a bona fide plan, policy, or practice of providing compensation for loss of salary caused by sickness or disability;
- As a penalty imposed in good faith for violations of major safety rules;
- As a disciplinary suspension of one or more full days imposed in good faith for violations of workplace conduct rules;
- For time not worked during an employee’s initial or terminal week of employment; and
- For unpaid leave taken under FMLA.
If, at any time, the College inadvertently but improperly deducted pay for time not worked from an exempt employee, it is the College’s intent to fully reimburse that employee in a timely manner. If an employee believes that their salary has been subjected to an improper deduction, please contact HR. The matter will be reviewed and steps will be taken if and as necessary to provide reimbursement.
3-34 Shipping and Receiving Goods
See the SHIPPING & RECEIVING procedure on the Employee Portal.
3-35 Social Security Number Privacy
See the SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER policy for more information.
3-36 Start Time
Non-exempt employees may not start work until their scheduled starting time without supervisor approval.
3-37 Teaching by Staff
See the TEACHING BY STAFF policy.
3-38 Termination
If employment is terminated, the College will have no further obligations to the employee for salary from and after the date of termination, subject to relevant statutes. Health, dental, and vision insurance benefits will continue through the end of the month in which employment ended. Unused vacation time will be forfeited upon termination of employment.
3-39 Timekeeping
It is the employee's responsibility to completely and accurately submit time records of all time worked (non-exempt employees) and of all time off taken (all employees.) Any errors in the time record should be reported immediately to the supervisor and HRBP, who will attempt to correct legitimate errors.
Non-exempt employees must record their actual time worked and must record the time work begins and ends, as well as the beginning and ending time of any departure from work for any non-work-related reason.
Altering, falsifying, or tampering with time records is prohibited and subjects the employee to discipline, up to and including discharge.
3-40 Travel
All travel must be submitted and approved prior to travel using the Travel Authorization Form (“TAF”), which can be found at Travel for conference or training purposes must support College goals and/or the employee’s professional development. It is understood that information and knowledge gained will be shared.
3-41 Travel Time (Non-Exempt Employees Only)
Overnight, Out-of-Town Trips
When a non-exempt employee is required to travel away from home overnight, the travel time (except for meal periods) that cuts across the employee’s “normal” or “regular” working hours is counted as time worked and will be paid – regardless of if the travel occurs on a day on which the employee ordinarily works or on a day on which the employee does not normally work (e.g., a weekend.) Conversely, travel that takes place outside the employee’s normal or regular working hours is not counted as time worked and is not paid, regardless of the travel day.
Non-exempt employees also will be paid for any time spent performing job duties during otherwise non-paid travel time; however, such work should be limited absent supervisor approval.
Out-of-Town Trips for One Day
Non-exempt employees who travel out of town for a one-day assignment will be paid for all travel time except meal periods.
Local Travel
Non-exempt employees will be paid for time spent traveling from one worksite to another worksite during a workday. The trip home, however, is non-compensable when the employee goes directly home from the final worksite, unless it is much longer than the regular commute home from the regular worksite. In such case, the portion of the trip home in excess of the regular commute is compensable.
3-42 Vacancies, Transfers and Assignments
The Board has delegated to the President or designee the sole authority to hire, transfer, or reassign employees. Generally, vacancies and new positions will be posted unless filled by reassignment or reorganization.
An employee may request a change in departmental assignment to another area within their competency by giving official written notice to their supervisor with a copy to the Executive Director, HR. A request does not guarantee approval of the transfer.
The College retains the right to reassign or transfer any employee to any position or department within their competency at its sole discretion. Such involuntary transfers will not normally result in a decrease in compensation. Exceptions may occur if current pay rate falls outside of DBM pay grade of newly assigned position.
3-43 Working Hours and Work Schedule
Employee work schedules are assigned by the supervisor in accordance with departmental and College needs.
The work schedule of a full-time non-exempt employee will include a daily lunch time of 30 minutes or 1 hour, unpaid by the College, and two 15-minute paid breaks, paid by the College. The work schedule of a part-time non-exempt employee is not required to include a lunch break or any 15-minute breaks unless the employee is under 18 years of age.
3-44 Work Locations
At the discretion of and with approval by supervisor, an employee may work offsite (including at home) on an ad hoc basis. If an employee has been employed by the College for a minimum of 6 months, and is not on a performance improvement plan, they may be given the option to request a flexible work/remote work schedule.
Section 4 – Benefits
4-1 Benefits Overview
The College provides a combination of benefits to all eligible employees including time-off, such as vacation and holidays, and insurance. These offerings have been developed over the years and continue to be refined to keep up with changing times and needs.
The next few pages contain a brief outline of the benefits programs that the College provides employees and their families. Of course, the information presented here is intended to serve only as guidelines.
The descriptions of the insurance and other plans merely highlight certain aspects of the plans and are for general information only. The details of those plans are spelled out in the official “plan documents,” which are available for review on the Employee Portal. Additionally, the components of the plans, including eligibility and benefits provisions, are summarized in “Summary Plan Descriptions,” which are revised from time to time. In the determination of benefits and all other matters under each plan, the terms of the official plan documents govern over the Summary Plan Descriptions and this handbook.
Further, the College (including the employees who are responsible for administering the plans) retains full discretionary authority to interpret the terms of the plans, as well as full discretionary authority regarding administrative matters arising in connection with the plans and all issues concerning benefit terms, eligibility, and entitlement.
While the College intends to maintain a comprehensive benefits package for eligible employees, it reserves the absolute right to modify, amend, or terminate these benefits at any time and for any reason.
If employees have any questions regarding benefits, they should contact their HR Business Partner.
4-2 Bereavement Leave
Paid Bereavement Leave will be granted to full time employees as follows upon a death in the family. Bereavement Leave will be granted for workdays falling within the period generally taken from the time of a death.
- Immediate family member (current spouse/partner, child, stepchild, parent, parent-in-law, other relative residing in immediate household, sibling): 5 days
- Grandparent, grandchild: 3 days
- In-law (grandparent, brother, sister, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew): 1 day
Extenuating circumstances warranting use of Bereavement Leave over an extended period may be approved at the discretion of the supervisor in conjunction with the Executive Director, Human Resources (HR.)
Up to 5 additional days of Bereavement Leave may be approved at the discretion of the supervisor in conjunction with the Executive Director, HR, and will be subtracted from the employee's Sick Leave.
4-3 Disability Insurance
Full-time employees are eligible to participate in the short- and long-term disability plans, subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement between the College and the insurance carrier. This is solely a monetary benefit and not a leave of absence provision. Employees who will be out of work must also request a formal leave of absence.
4-4 Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”)
The success of the College in fulfilling its mission depends on its employee’s physical and psychological health. Employees and their families who are faced with challenges have access to assistance through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The College currently uses HelpNet as its EAP provider.
HelpNet is confidential and free to full-time and regular part-time employees and their families. HelpNet will provide free personal counseling to each employee and their household members. The counselors have extensive experience dealing with topics such as marital and family issues, addictions, emotional problems, legal and financial concerns, careers, relationships, aging parents, stress, anxiety, depression, and life enrichment techniques.
For additional information on HelpNet, call 1-800-969-6162 or visit their website.
4-5 Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
Eligibility and basic understanding of your rights and obligations under the FMLA can be found in the FAMILY & MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) policy or by contacting your HR Business Partner for more information.
4-6 Fitness Studio
See the FITNESS STUDIO page on the website. See also the Wellness Release Time section of the Handbook.
4-7 Flexible Scheduling and Remote Work Options
4-8 Insurance
The College will offer health insurance to employees (and eligible dependents) who work 30 or more hours per week. The employee cost of insurance and types of coverages offered will be determined by the College in compliance with federal and state law.
Upon becoming eligible to participate in insurance plans, employees will receive Summary Plan Descriptions with detailed plan information. The employee cost of insurance and types of coverage offered will be determined by the College in compliance with federal and state law.
Currently, the College offers medical/Rx, dental, vision, life, and long-term disability insurances, which are paid all or in part by the College.
The College currently offers the following optional insurance and related benefits, the cost of which is paid by the employee:
- accidental death and dismemberment insurance
- critical illness, whole life, and accident insurance
- flexible spending accounts
- legal plan and identity theft protection
- pet insurance
- short-term disability insurance
- supplemental life insurance
All insurance offerings are subject to change at any time.
Contact your HR Business Partner with questions.
4-9 Jury Duty
An employee will be excused from work and will not lose their regular compensation when called upon for jury duty. Employees are expected to work the remainder of a workday when not performing jury duty. The employee must remit payment received from the court for jury service to the College when received. The employees may be required to submit documentation to support an absence due to jury duty.
4-10 Lactation Breaks
The College will provide a reasonable amount of break time to accommodate employees that want to express breast milk for their child in accordance with and to the extent required by applicable law. The break time, if possible, must run concurrently with rest and meal periods already provided. The College may not be able to provide additional break time if doing so would seriously disrupt College operations, subject to applicable law. Employees should advise their supervisor if they need break time for this purpose. Employees will not be discriminated or retaliated against for exercising their rights under this policy section.
The College will make reasonable efforts to provide employees with the use of a room than a toilet stall to express milk in private. This location may be the employee's private office, if applicable.
See the MOTHERS ROOM procedure or consult your HR Business Partner for more information.
4-11 Leave of Absence
If employees are ineligible for any other College leave of absence, the College, under certain circumstances, may grant a discretionary personal leave of absence without pay. A written request for a personal leave should be presented to the employees’ supervisor and to HR at least 30 days in advance of the anticipated start of the leave. If the leave is requested for medical reasons and the employee is not eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) or any state leave law, medical documentation must also be submitted.
The request will be considered on the basis of staffing needs and the reasons for the requested leave, as well as performance and attendance records. Normally, an approved leave of absence will be granted for a period of up to 8 weeks. However, a personal leave may be extended if, prior to the end of leave, the employee submits a written request for an extension to their supervisor and HR and the request is granted.
The College will continue health insurance coverages during the leave if the employee submits their share of the monthly premium payments to the College in a timely manner, subject to the terms of the plan documents.
When the employee anticipates returning to work, they must notify their supervisor of the expected return date as soon as possible and not later than at least 1 week.
Upon completion of a personal leave of absence, the College will attempt to return an employee to their original job or a similar position, subject to prevailing business considerations. Reinstatement, however, is not guaranteed.
Failure to advise the supervisor and/or HR of availability to return to work, failure to return to work when notified, or a continued absence from work beyond the time approved by the College will be considered a voluntary resignation of employment.
Personal leave runs concurrently with any College-provided short-term disability leave of absence.
4-12 Mileage Reimbursement
4-13 Military Leave
Leave will be granted to an employee called for temporary military duty according to Federal statutes.
4-14 Paid Holidays
The College will close to recognize the following Paid Holidays, either on the actual holiday or an alternate weekday near the holiday. The Paid Holiday dates will be announced at the start of each fiscal year. If the Paid Holiday falls on a date that the employee would have normally been scheduled to work, the employee will receive regular rate wages for the hours the employee would have worked. This will not apply to employees on a continuous leave of absence.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (date varies; 1 Paid Holiday)
- Memorial Day (date varies; 1 Paid Holiday)
- Independence Day (July 4; 1 Paid Holiday on/near July 4, as set by College)
- Labor Day (date varies, 1 Paid Holiday)
- Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and the Friday following Thanksgiving Day (dates vary; 3 Paid Holidays)
- Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day; number of Paid Holiday days vary depending on where the dates fall on the calendar in relation to weekdays and weekends
- Any other days(s) announced by the College as additional holiday(s)
Non-exempt employees working on a Paid Holiday will be paid for hours actually worked in addition to holiday pay.
4-15 Participation in College Groups & Volunteering Time Off
With the approval of the supervisor, an employee may participate in College governance and planning through membership in College committees, councils, taskforces, and/or work groups and in College volunteer opportunities occurring during regular College business hours (such as Lake Michigan College Foundation Winner’s Circle Auction and Holiday Food Basket.) Employees will be paid for supervisor-approved participation in these activities.
With the approval of the supervisor, the College will also provide up to 4 hours of paid off-campus volunteer service leave for each fall and spring semester for 501c3 or non-profit organization (such as Habitat for Humanity), as long as no compensation is received from the other organization.
Paid off-campus volunteer service leave is not considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
4-16 Personal Days
Full-time employees will be granted 3 paid Personal Days annually for personal business. Personal Days are not cumulative and will be forfeited if not taken in the fiscal year granted. Personal Days are granted on a pro-rated basis upon hire and then annually in July.
Personal Days are not considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime
4-17 Professional Development/Continuing Education
Paid Professional Development time may be granted with supervisor approval to attend training and participate in other professional development activities.
In addition, the College closes 2 days each year (LMC Day - Fall and LMC Day - Spring) for College-wide professional development. All regularly scheduled employees are required to attend. Dates for LMC Days will be posted on the Employee Portal at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
4-18 Retirement Plan
Upon becoming eligible to participate in a retirement plan, an employee will receive a Summary Plan Description, which will provide detailed plan information. Contact your HR Business Partner with further questions.
The College will make available an optional retirement salary deferral plan (the “ORP”) where qualified employees may make pre-tax contributions to tax-deferred retirement accounts, such as a 403(b) plan, as well as the Michigan Public Schools Retirement System (MPSERS) plan. MPSERS requires that all part-time and non-exempt employees enroll in MPSERS upon hire but provides a choice to exempt employees of MPSERS or the ORP.
If an employee’s job classification changes from non-exempt to exempt, they can move to the ORP or stay in MPSERS.
If an employee’s job classification changes from exempt to non-exempt, they will remain in the ORP.
If an exempt employee’s job changes from full-time to part-time and the employee was in the ORP, the employee must stay in the ORP.
4-19 Sabbatical Leave
4-20 Sick Leave / Paid Medical Leave
Sick Leave is awarded annually as of July 1 (or upon date of hire in the year hired and as of July 1 subsequently.)
Full-time employees employed on July 1 will receive 96 hours of Sick Leave in a bank each July; those beginning work after July 1 will receive a sick time bank upon hire prorated based upon portion of the year remaining.
Employees working less than 40 hours per week will receive a prorated sick time bank as of July 1 based on the hours regularly scheduled to be worked compared to a full-time schedule. Such employees beginning work after July 1 will receive a sick time bank upon hire, prorated based on the hours regularly scheduled to be worked and the portion of the year remaining.
Employees may accumulate up to 960 sick hours. Unused sick time will be forfeited upon termination of employment.
For exempt employees, sick leave must be reported in no less than half-day increments. For non-exempt employees, sick leave must be reported in no less than 15 minute increments.
The College may, at its discretion, require an employee to submit competent medical verification of any use of paid Sick Leave after 3 working days of absences.
Sick leave may be used for:
- physical or mental health or injury of employee or family member. Family member is considered spouse/partner, child/stepchild, parent/parent-in-law, or other relative residing in immediate household.
- care of a family member when such person suffers a FMLA qualifying event.
Non-emergency doctor appointments are to be coordinated in advance with and approved by the employees’ supervisor.
Sick Leave is not considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
4-21 Summer Hours
See the SUMMER HOURS policy.
4-22 Tuition Waiver
4-23 Vacation
Vacation is awarded annually as of July 1 (or upon date of hire and as of July 1 subsequently.) Full-time employees employed on July 1 will receive 160 hours of vacation in a vacation bank; those beginning work after July 1 will receive a vacation bank upon hire prorated based upon portion of the year remaining.
Employees working a full-time, regular schedule of less than 40 hours per week will receive a prorated vacation bank as of July 1 based on the hours regularly scheduled to be worked compared to a full-time schedule. Such employees beginning work after July 1 will receive a vacation bank upon hire that is prorated based on the hours regularly scheduled to be worked and the portion of the year remaining.
Vacation is not cumulative, and is forfeited if not taken during the fiscal year awarded. Unused vacation time will be forfeited upon termination of employment.
Vacation must be approved in advance by the supervisor.
For exempt employees, vacation must be reported in no less half-day increments; for instance, time should be taken in 4-hour increments for an 8-hour workday, 4.5-hour increments for a 9-hour workday, 5-hour increments for a 10-hour workday, etc.
For non-exempt employees, vacation must be reported in no less than 15 minute increments.
Vacation is not considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
4-24 Vacation Donation
4-25 Victims of Crime Leave
Employees who are a victim or victim's representative that are called to serve as a witness in a judicial proceeding must notify their supervisor and HR as soon as possible. Employees may not be compensated for time away from work to participate in a court case but may use available vacation and/or personal time to cover the period of absence. Employees testifying as the victim or representative of a victim in a judicial proceeding will not be disciplined for their absence.
4-26 Wellness Release Time
Full-time employees may take up to 1.5 hours of supervisor-approved paid wellness leave each week to participate in wellness activities on campus. Part-time employees may take up to 45 minutes each week. The time may be taken at one time or split throughout the week to equal the total. This time is not cumulative from week-to-week and is not paid out upon employee separation.
Wellness Release Time is not considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
4-27 Workers' Compensation
See the WORKERS’ COMPENSATION policy for more information.
Section 5 – Safety
5-1 Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure Control
As indicated in the BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS EXPOSURE CONTROL policy, the College complies with the Occupational Health & Safety Administration Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030.
5-2 Chemical Hygiene
See the CHEMICAL HYGIENE policy page of the website.
5-3 Emergency Preparedness and Response
5-4 Emergency Procedures
See the SAFETY AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION page on the website and the emergency flip chart available in each classroom of the College.
5-5 Hazard Communication Program
5-6 Identification Badge
5-7 Identity Theft Prevention & Red Flag Rules
5-8 Safety and Emergency Information
See the SAFETY AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION page on the website and the CAMPUS SAFETY ALERTS policy.
5-9 Sex Offender Registry
5-10 Weather & Emergency Closings
See the WEATHER AND EMERGENCY CLOSINGS page on the website.
Handbook Acknowledgment
This Handbook is intended to provide resources and information to help employees become acquainted with Lake Michigan College. Because College operations may change, the contents of this handbook and the information to which it refers may also change at any time, with or without notice, in an individual case or generally, at the sole discretion of the College. No oral modification is permitted.
Sign below to indicate your acknowledgment of and agreement with the following:
- I have received and read a copy of the College's Employee Handbook.
- I have familiarized myself with the policies that are referred to in the Employee Handbook.
- I understand that the policies, procedures, rules, and benefits described are subject to change at the sole discretion of the College at any time, and that it is my responsibility to stay current on provisions of College policies, procedures, and rules.
- I further understand that my employment is terminable at will, either by myself or the College, with or without cause or notice, regardless of the length of my employment or the granting of benefits of any kind.
- I understand that no College representative other than the Head of HR may alter "at will" status and any such modification must be in a signed writing.
- I agree that any claim or suit that relates to my employment with the College must be brought within 180 days after the events giving rise to the claim, or within the time limit specified by statute, whichever period is shorter; except that any claim filed with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission must be filed within the time limit provided by law. I waive any statute of limitations that exceeds these time limits.
- I understand that my signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above statements and that I have received a copy of the College's Employee Handbook.
Employee Signature:
Employee Printed Name:
A signed original copy of this acknowledgment must be given to HR to be filed in your personnel file.
Receipt of Non-Discrimination, Workplace Violence, and Title IX Sexual Harassment Policies
It is the College's policy to prohibit intentional and unintentional harassment of or against job applicants, contractors, interns, volunteers or employees by another employee, supervisor, vendor, customer or any third party on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth and pregnancy-related conditions), gender identity or expression (including transgender status), sexual orientation, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws (referred to as “protected characteristics”). Such conduct will not be tolerated by Lake Michigan College.
The purpose of this policy is not to regulate our employees' personal morality, but to ensure that no one harasses another individual while on College premises, while on College business (whether or not on College premises), or while representing the College. In addition to being a violation of this policy, harassment or retaliation based on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable federal, state, or local laws also is unlawful.
Violation of the below enumerated policies, including any improper retaliatory conduct, will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
I have read and I understand the following College policies:
- Non-Discrimination policy
- Workplace Violence policy
- Title IX Sexual Harassment policy
Employee Signature:
Employee Printed Name:
The signed original copy of this acknowledgment must be given to HR to be filed in your personnel file.