Lake Michigan College’s Women in Business Club will host a speed networking event from 8:30-10 a.m. Friday, March 22 at the Lake Michigan College Hanson Technology Center on the Benton Harbor Campus.
Modeled after speed dating, speed networking provides a way for professionals to share their expertise with the next generation of leaders -- students at LMC. This is an opportunity for students to learn more about careers, practice networking and discover potential internship leads in their fields of interest.
Gabriella Rosales, a business student at LMC, is the team coordinator for the event.
“Students are usually focused on getting a degree – getting to classes, taking a test – and connecting with professionals can seem somewhat daunting,” Rosales said. “Our goal with speed networking is to help students become more comfortable and confident and start to develop professional relationships.”
Professionals and students will pair up, get to know each other and discuss what it takes to be a competitive job candidate. Every three minutes, students will be asked to move to the next professional. Participating students will be asked to attend a 30-minute prep session prior to the event.
Space is limited to 50 local professionals and 50 LMC students. To register, visit
Registration is free for professionals and students. Questions about the event can be sent to Gabriella Rosales at
To learn about LMC’s business program, visit the web page.
Photo L-R: Dr. Ken Flowers, LMC Dean; Women in Business Club members; Kristi LaFrenz, LMC Marketing Professor