Lake Michigan College hosts transfer fair for students
Students looking to transfer credits to four-year colleges and universities are invited to attend Lake Michigan College’s Transfer Fair at The Lake from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23 in the gymnasium in the Main Building on the Benton Harbor campus.
Students can speak directly with representatives from nearly 50 colleges and universities throughout the Midwest during this free event.
“Students looking to continue their education beyond LMC should know where they plan to transfer to by the end of their first year,” said Krista Elkins, LMC’s Career and Transfer Credit Coordinator. “The Transfer Fair is a chance for them to get the facts on transfer opportunities directly from representatives so they will be better equipped to decide which colleges and universities meet their educational and career goals.”
Participating colleges and universities include Andrews University; Bethel University; Central Michigan University; Eastern Michigan University; Ferris State University; Goshen College; Grand Valley State University; Indiana University South Bend; Michigan State University; Northern Michigan University; St. Mary’s College; Siena Heights University; University of Michigan: Valparaiso University: Western Michigan University; and more.
View a list of all of the schools attending. For questions or more information, contact Krista Elkins at 269-927-8148 or email Admissions.