Writer Petra Lina Orloff to speak at LMC on Nov. 3
Petra Lina Orloff, founder of the writing start-up company Beloved, which produces personalized obituaries and eulogies, will discuss her experiences as both a writer and a successful woman in business.
The event will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, in Room C316 at Lake Michigan College, 2755 E. Napier Ave., Benton Harbor. Guests may also join via Zoom.
Her appearance, which is free and open to the public, is presented by The Writing Lab at LMC.
Orloff has been a professional writer for nearly 30 years. After completing her doctorate in English at Wayne State University, she began publishing scholarly work and creative nonfiction. This led to a series of freelance jobs writing for corporations, including work as a long-time ghostwriter specializing in memoirs and biography. In 2016, she founded Beloved, a company that creates custom, creative, personalized obituaries and eulogies in service with death care professionals.
The event is designed for those interested in writing as a career, as well as those looking to create their own companies. Orloff will also speak about her experience as a woman in the male-dominated field of death care.
For more information and a link to the virtual event, visit lakemichigancollege.edu/calendar or contact LMC faculty member Dr. Erik Mortenson at emortenson@lakemichigancollege.edu, or LMC English Department Chair Sean Newmiller at snewmiller@lakemichigancollege.edu.
Petra Lina Orloff