COVID-19 Self Report
Can I come to campus after I submit a self-report?
If you:
Tested positive for COVID-19
Are sick
Had close contact but no symptoms
Then as soon as possible:
Stay home. Submit Self-Report (below)
Stay home. Submit Self-Report (below) Get tested.
Submit Self-Report (below)
Return to campus guidelines:
Return to campus with high-quality mask (5 days) AFTER cleared by Advising or HR
Return to campus AFTER symptoms have improved AND you are cleared by Advising or HR
Return to campus but MONITOR your health status and WEAR a high-quality mask for 10 days
If you tested positive for COVID-19
Stay home and submit Self-Report (below)
Return to campus with high-quality mask (5 days) AFTER cleared by Advising or HR
If you are sick
Stay home. Submit Self-Report (below) Get tested.
Return to campus AFTER symptoms have improved AND you are cleared by Advising or HR
If you had close contact but no symptoms
Submit Self-Report (below)
Return to campus but MONITOR your health status and WEAR a high-quality mask for 10 days
Please Note: The college is committed to ensuring that your submission remains private and only will be used as a means to follow LMC safety protocols and provide support and resources.
An employee completing this form is still required to report to their supervisor as well to help ensure staffing coverage and necessary cleaning protocols.