Grants (policy)
Office of Origin: President’s Office
Responsibility: Cabinet
Original Date Adopted: 10-25-22
Dates Reviewed: 10-25-22
Last Date Board Approved: 10-25-22
This policy is not intended to be comprehensive, nor is it intended to substitute for other Lake Michigan College (the College) policies and procedures or for funding agency requirements. In addition, this policy is not intended to supersede applicable state or federal legislation, regulations, or any other requirements that govern the grant.
Applying for a Grant
Prior to completing a grant application, a Grant Manager must be identified. The Grant Manager must complete the Grant Planning & Proposal Request form; this form requires certain approvals. All approvals must be obtained prior to submission of the grant application to the funding agency.
Prior written approval from a Cabinet member must be received before incurring any pre-award costs.
Accepting a Grant and Required Approvals
The Board of Trustees has authorized the President and certain other positions to sign contracts. The Grant Manager cannot sign contracts, proposals, or other binding documents requesting an “authorized signature” unless appropriately authorized in the Authority to Bind College to External Agreements policy.
If a grant application is funded, the Grant Manager must forward the Award Documents along with approved Grant Planning & Proposal Request form to the Finance Department (Finance). Award Documents may include Grant Award Notice (GAN), a list of reporting requirements, and a grant agreement.
The Grant Manager completes the grant acceptance process by completing a grant summary for inclusion in the Board of Trustees report; once approved by the Cabinet member, the grant summary should be provided to the President’s Office.
Grant Manager Responsibilities
The Grant Manager is responsible for implementing and managing the awarded grant within the approved budget (as described in the application, award documents, and applicable regulations.)
Specifically, the Grant Manager is responsible for:
- Adhering to the terms of the grant.
- Ensuring compliance with applicable regulations, including, if required, the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Supplements and the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, & Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the “Uniform Guidance”).
- Managing delivery of grant objectives within the approved budget.
- Meeting grant goals and objectives.
- Ensuring that grant funds are not used to supplant College funds.
- Submitting all required reports to the funding agency on time.
- Having all submissions to the funding agency approved in writing and in advance by the supervising Cabinet member.
- Hiring program staff in accordance with the grant.
- Following operating requirements that are in the Grant Management procedure, including the use and implementation of the following:
- Time and effort reporting for all grant-paid employees
- Budget submissions and related revisions to Finance
- Equipment inventory, including disposition requirements
- Reviewing accounting and financial records
- Reviewing indirect cost calculations
- Reviewing and reporting of Program Changes, as needed
- Reviewing and requesting No-Cost Extensions, as needed
- Completing of grant close out steps
- Managing record retention of grant documents.
- Developing and maintaining procedures that standardize the operations of the grant program within the policies and operating framework of the College.
Grant Funded Personnel
All personnel paid for with grant funds are hired for the grant period only. Employment ends when the grant ends unless the individual is hired into another position. College policies and procedures govern all activities related to personnel. Classifications and pay rates must conform to the College pay grid and job classification structure.
Reimbursement of Expenditures
Most grant agreements are on a cost-reimbursement basis; see the Federal Grants - Payments and Cash Management policy. Finance is responsible for obtaining reimbursement funds. Funding agencies requiring invoices for reimbursement must have invoices prepared by Finance and submitted to the Grant Manager for approval prior to submission to the funding agency.
The funding agency will reimburse the College for eligible expenditures only up to the amount of the grant. Costs incurred in excess of the grant agreement amount or outside the approved budget line item categories are the sole responsibility of the College, and require the approval of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) prior to incurring.
The Grant Manager is responsible for record retention. Records must be maintained to sufficiently establish an audit trail. Records must show how the funds were used and the results the efforts produced. Records must be organized, readily obtainable, and retained according to the funding agency and the Record Retention policy, whichever is longer.
Close Out
All work on the grant must be completed by the end date of the grant period. The Grant Manager may only charge allowable costs to the grant resulting from obligations incurred during the funding period and any authorized pre-award costs.
The Grant Manager is responsible for preparing and submitting reports and certifications in a timely manner and in accordance with the grant agreement and the close out procedures included in the Grant Management procedure.
Audits and Site Visits
See Audits, Tests, & Accreditation policy.
Human Subjects in Research
See Protection of Human Subjects in Research policy.
See Lobbying – Compliance with Federal and State Law policy.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest in Federal/State Grants - Financial Conflict policy.
- Audits, Tests, & Accreditation policy
- Authority to Bind College to External Agreements policy
- Conflict of Interest in Federal/State Grants - Financial Conflict policy
- Federal Grants - Payments and Cash Management policy
- Grant Management procedure
- Lobbying – Compliance with Federal and State Law policy
- Protection of Human Subjects in Research policy
- Record Retention policy
- Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Supplements
- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, & Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the “Uniform Guidance”)
- Grant Planning & Proposal Request form