Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award and Honorary Degrees
Named in honor of the late Dr. Bernard C. Radde, who served as a member and officer of the Lake Michigan College Board of Trustees for 25 years, this award is presented to an individual(s) who has advanced the cause of Lake Michigan College and higher education.
The Lake Michigan College Board of Trustees named BHSH Spectrum Health Lakeland President Loren B. Hamel, MD, as the 2022 recipient of the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award during 75th annual commencement ceremonies on May 1.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award is named in honor of the late Dr. Bernard C. Radde, who served as a member of the Lake Michigan College Board of Trustees for 25 years. It is presented annually to an individual or individuals who have advanced the cause of Lake Michigan College and higher education.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award is named in honor of the late Dr. Bernard C. Radde, who served as a member of the Lake Michigan College Board of Trustees for 25 years. It is presented annually to an individual or individuals who have advanced the cause of Lake Michigan College and higher education.
Judy Truesdell was recognized with the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2019.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award was presented to Danny Sledge in 2019.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award was presented to Mike and Lisa Welch in 2018.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award was presented to Al Pscholka in 2017.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award was presented to Joan Smith in 2016.
Janice Varney received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2015.
Emily Foster was recognized with the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2014.
When Bob Schodorf speaks of his guiding philosophy in life, he simply states, “A good share of my success is because of what I’ve borrowed from oth
Marian and Greg O’Niel received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2012.
William Emery received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2011.
Mary Fowler received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2011.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award was presented to Stephen and Carol Sizer in 2010.
Mabel Johnson Mayfield was awarded the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2009.
The Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award was awarded to Jeff and Marcia Fettig in 2008.
Judith Buchalski was awarded the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2007.
Merlin and Carolyn Hanson received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2006.
Jim Krzyzewski received the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2005.
Anne Erman was awarded the Bernard C. Radde Distinguished Service Award in 2004.
- Dr. William Camelet - 2003
- Stephen E. Upton – 2002
- Harry Gast - 2001
- Muhammad & Lonnie Ali - 2000
- David R. Whitwam – 1999
- Steve C. Silcox - 1998
- Donald R. Mikel - 1997
- Murray W. Telsworth - 1996
- William D. Marohn - 1995
- John Campbell & Charmaine Kibler - 1994
- Dan L. Smith - 1993
- Richard Dougherty - 1992
- Warren E. Gast - 1991
- Dr. Dean Sanders - 1990
- Dr. Donald & Eloise Moely - 1989
- Dr. Dorothy Leader - 1988
- Elizabeth & Lloyd Miller - 1987
- Robert P. Small, J.D. - 1987
- William Hessel - 1987
- Dr. Bernard C. Radde - 1986
Lake Michigan College Honorary Degrees
- Mary Jo Tomasini - 2019
- Raymond Robert Ricordati, Jr. - 2015
- Merlin Hanson - 2013